
Da Nang boosts cooperation with Armenian and Italian investors

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
May 05, 2022, 12:29 [GMT+7]

During his reception on Wednesday for Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Viet Nam Vahram Kazhoyan, Da Nang People’s Committee Vice Chairman Le Quang Nam introduced his guest to the city’s socio-economic development over the past time and its development orientations in the near future.

Da Nang People’s Committee Vice Chairman Le Quang Nam (right) and Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Viet Nam Vahram Kazhoyan.
Da Nang People’s Committee Vice Chairman Le Quang Nam (right) and Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Viet Nam Vahram Kazhoyan.

Vice Chairman Nam also expressed his hope that Armenia diplomat would do his utmost to call for more localities and investors from his country to invest into Da Nang in such potential fields as trade, hi-tech and tourism.

Ambassador Vahram Kazhoyan, for his part, said that many Armenian trading companies are operating in Southeast Asia, including Viet Nam. Armenia is making efforts to attract more Vietnamese tourists, as well as promote the images of Viet Nam and Da Nang to Armenian businesses, investors and people.

He affirmed that he would continue promoting exchange and cooperation activities between Viet Nam, including Da Nang, and Armenian localities.

Da Nang is identified as the growth nucleus of the key central economic region, creating a driving force to promote development for Central Viet Nam and Cetral Highlands, Vice Chairman Nam said on Wednesday while receiving Italian Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Enrico Paluda.

Vice Chairman Nam said his city has till date attracted six Italian-invested projects, mainly involved in the field of processing and manufacturing industry and services, with a total investment capital of $1.2 million. Also, the city has received a number of aid projects from Italy in response to climate change, floods and natural disasters.

He wished Mr. Enrico Paluda to act as a bridge to foster the friendship and cooperation relations between Da Nang and Italian partners in potential fields, especially tourism and seaports. Besides, he hoped that more Italian investors would visit Da Nang to learn about its investment and business environment.

Mr. Enrico Paluda said Da Nang and Italian partners had great potential for cooperation in various aspects. He vowed that, in the coming time, he would make every effort to encourage more Italian businesses and investors to seek investment opportunities in Da Nang.

Reporting by LAM PHUONG - Translating by M.DUNG
