
Da Nang boosts investment promotion in the UK

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 09, 2022, 10:22 [GMT+7]

A group of Da Nang leaders, led by municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary cum People's Council Chairman Luong Nguyen Minh Triet, is conducting a business trip to the UK from September 6 - 8.

Creating the best conditions for UK investors

Da Nang Party Committee Deputy Secretary Luong Nguyen Minh Triet speaking at the 'Da Nang Business Roundtable' seminar held in London, UK. Photo: PV
Da Nang Party Committee Deputy Secretary Luong Nguyen Minh Triet speaking at the 'Da Nang Business Roundtable' seminar held in London, UK. Photo: PV

On September 7, the delegation of Da Nang leaders coordinated with the Embassy of Viet Nam in the UK to hold the ‘Da Nang Business Roundtable’ seminar, aiming to promote the city's investment, trade and tourism environment, and introduce a number of local key projects calling for investment, to potential businesses and investors in the UK.

In his remark at the seminar, Deputy Secretary Triet said that in the past time, despite the significant impact of COVID-19, the city has still achieved encouraging results in many aspects on its path of socio-economic recovery and development. Till date, the city has attracted 933 FDI projects with a total registered capital of US$3.922 billion.

However, the city has attracted only 21 British-invested projects, totalling more than US$1.9 million. The majority of the projects are involved in services and education. Also, the number of tourists from the UK to Da Nang is still modest.

Therefore, the leaders of Da Nang want to invite businesses and expatriates in the UK to learn about the city’s investment climate to invest into such spheres as information technology, high technology, finance, education and tourism.

Vietnamese Ambassador to the United Kingdom and Ireland Nguyen Hoang Long said that among European countries, the UK is one of Viet Nam's most important trade and investment partners. In 2021, with the implementation of the UK-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (UKVFTA), two-way trade turnover and foreign direct investment (FDI) flows from the UK into Viet Nam have increased significantly.

Ambassador Nguyen Hoang Long affirmed that with its potential, available strengths and a dynamic government, Da Nang has been and will continue to be an attractive destination for foreign investors, including those from the UK.

He also committed to closely coordinating with relevant agencies to support businesses, investors and overseas Vietnamese to explore and travel in the beautiful coastal city.

During the seminar, Da Nang introduced a number of key projects calling for investment to the UK investors. Participants discussed and learned more specific information about investment and tourism opportunities in Da Nang.

Some investors and overseas Vietnamese expressed their joy for the development of Da Nang, saying that they were willing to act as an intermediary channel to support the promotion of Da Nang in the UK market.

In his closing speech at the event, Mr.Triet highlighted that the ‘Da Nang Business Roundtable’ seminar provided Da Nang leaders a good opportunity to directly meet and grasp the need to learn about the investment and tourism environment of organizations, businesses and expatriates in the UK.

He pledged that Da Nang will make greater efforts to enhance its investment environment, and improve infrastructure and service quality, in the near future in a bid to turn itself into an attractive investment and tourism destination for foreign investors.

“City leaders are always committed to creating the most favourable conditions for UK investors to seek investment opportunities in the city” emphasized Mr. Triet.

Da Nang Party Committee Deputy Secretary Luong Nguyen Minh Triet presenting a souvenir to Mr. Richard Leach, Manager of the Americas and Asia-Pacific Education Programme in the UK, a participant in the 'Da Nang Business Roundtable' seminar. Photo: PV
Da Nang Party Committee Deputy Secretary Luong Nguyen Minh Triet presenting a souvenir to Mr. Richard Leach, Manager of the Americas and Asia-Pacific Education Programme in the UK, a participant in the 'Da Nang Business Roundtable' seminar. Photo: PV

Also on the same day, the Da Nang delegation had a working session with the Facing The World organization (a British NGO operates in the field of free medical examinations and treatment, and medical education and training) to discuss their bilateral cooperation plan for the 2023-2025 period.

Discusions focused on sending expert delegations to Viet Nam to carry out surgical support activities; supporting the training of health workers through experience sharing and professional exchange, especially in the fields of oncology, oral and maxillofacial, nuclear medicine; awarding scholarships to train medical staff at domestic and foreign training institutions; providing medical equipment specialised in maxillofacial surgery, burns, shaping and supporting projects for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in Da Nang.

Da Nang is the first choice to host Asia-Pacific golf tourism Congress 2024

On September 6, the Da Nang group worked with the International Association of Golf Tour Operators  (IAGTO) to discuss the organization of the Asia-Pacific Golf Tourism Congress in Da Nang in 2024.

Da Nang Party Committee Deputy Secretary Luong Nguyen Minh Triet at the meeting with IAGTO representatives.
Da Nang Party Committee Deputy Secretary Luong Nguyen Minh Triet at the meeting with IAGTO representatives.

At the meeting, Mr. Peter Walton, President and CEO of IAGTO emphasised, Da Nang has many strengths in terms of natural conditions and favourable infrastructure for service development and golf tourism. IAGTO successfully organized the Asian Golf Tourism Congress in Da Nang in 2017 and witnessed the socio-economic achievements as well as the impressive development in the tourism field, especially golf and MICE tourism in the past time.

Therefore, Da Nang continue to be the first choice of IAGTO to host the Asia-Pacific Golf Tourism Congress in 2024.

In his part, Deputy Secretary Luong Nguyen Minh Triet said that Da Nang boasts great potential for becoming a centre of international events. In particular, in 2022, the city was honoured as ‘Asia's Leading Festival and Event Destination 2022’, and successfully organized the Routes Asia 2022, the Da Nang Golf Tourism Festival 2022, and the BRG Open Golf Championship 2022.

Mr. Triet highly appreciated  IAGTO's proposal, affirming that city leaders will create the best conditions for IAGTO to develop an organization plan in Da Nang and consider the event to be a gold opportunities to develop golf tourism into its brand and unique tourism product in the coming time.

He also took the opportunity to ask IAGTO to promote the image of Da Nang to the world tourism and golf service community through its information channels and partners.

 Da Nang leaders taking souvenir photos with leaders of the University of the West of England. Photo: PV
Da Nang leaders taking souvenir photos with leaders of the University of the West of England. Photo: PV

Within the framework of their working visit to the UK, on September 8, a group of Da Nang leaders met with leaders of the University of the West of England.

On the basis of educational cooperation between Da Nang - the UK in the past time, the city delegation discussed with the Board of Directors of the University of the West of England about the orientation of human resource development and some proposals. Included were organising high-quality short-term training courses for leaders, managers and policy makers of the city; and providing postgraduate training scholarships for officials, civil servants and public employees at the University of West of England.

At the same time, Da Nang leaders took the opportunity to invite experienced UK experts to participate in major projects, schemes and programmes in the city, and cooperate with universities in the city in specific areas.

Reporting by DNO reporters - Translating by M.DUNG
