
Workshop in Da Nang on sharing experience between Viet Nam NA and Cambodian Parliament

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 25, 2022, 20:30 [GMT+7]

A workshop on exchange of experience between the National Assembly (NA) of Viet Nam and the Parliament of Cambodia took place in Da Nang on Sunday morning.

Vice Chairman of the NA of Viet Nam Nguyen Duc Hai delivering his speech at the workshop
Vice Chairman of the NA of Viet Nam Nguyen Duc Hai delivering his remarks at the workshop

In his remarks at the workshop, Vice Chairman of the NA of Viet Nam Nguyen Duc Hai expressed his delight at the strong development of the Viet Nam - Cambodia bilateral ties, and the sharp increase in the number of high-ranking delegation exchanges between the two countries.

He stated that the two sides jointly organised many meaningful celebrations of the Viet Nam - Cambodia Friendship Year 2022 and the 55th anniversary of the diplomatic ties (June 24). The bilateral cooperation relations between the NA of Viet Nam and the NA/Senate of the Kingdom of Cambodia were well maintained.

Vice Chairman Hai noted the workshop was held after the official visit to Cambodia by Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and a high-ranking delegation of the NA of Viet Nam in order to realise contents of a Memorandum of Understanding on fostering bilateral cooperation and partnership relations between Viet Nam and Cambodia that was signed by Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and Chairman Heng Samrin.

He also highlighted that the event provided the good opportunities for the two sides to share experience of the legislatures in areas of interest so as to promote bilateral cooperation between the parliaments of the two countries and the two Friendship Parliamentary Groups of Viet Nam - Cambodia and Cambodia - Viet Nam.

The focus was on sharing experience on the role of the NA in driving socio-economic recovery and development, as well as fostering the Viet Nam - Cambodia cooperation in economy, culture and tourism, boosting Mekong sub-regional cooperation, and taking measures to strengthen cooperation between the two legislative bodies in general and between the two countries' Friendship Parliamentary Groups in particular. This contributed to promoting the practical and in-depth Viet Nam - Cambodia cooperation in all spheres.

The Vice Chairman congratulated Cambodia on its remarkable achievements over the past time. He affirmed that the Vietnamese NA will continue coordinating with the Cambodian NA to uphold effective cooperation results in the past time, thereby contributing to consolidating and developing the bilateral relationship and friendship in the near future.

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Men Sam An speaking at the event
Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Men Sam An speaking at the event

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Men Sam An, who is also Minister of the National Assembly - Senate Relations and Inspection of Cambodia, and Chairwoman of the Cambodia - Viet Nam Friendship Parliamentarians' Group, raised her voice to support the progress in cooperation between Viet Nam and Cambodia, especially in trade, investment and tourism, in addition to highly hailing the great efforts made by the Joint Committee on the Border between Vietnam and Cambodia in completing more than 90% of the demarcation and marking work.

Mrs. Men Sam An proposed the Vietnamese NA further promote the effective implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on strengthening cooperation within the framework of senior leaders, friendship parliamentary groups, female parliamentarians, young parliamentarians and general secretaries.

She took the opportunity to ask for support from Viet Nam to promote the sharing and exchange of experiences in science, technology and agriculture to boost food production in the Mekong region, aiming to turn the area into a regional and world food security reserve.

National Assembly Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai moderated the discussion.
National Assembly Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai moderated the discussion.

Addressing the workshop, Deputy Head of the Da Nang NA Deputies' delegation Tran Chi Cuong said that over the past years, Da Nang has welcomed many high-ranking delegations of Cambodian localities. The city has already signed an agreement to establish a cooperative relationship with Battambang Province, Cambodia, on the basis of the cooperation relationship between former Quang Nam - Da Nang Province and Battambang Province since the 1980s.

Under the deal, Da Nang and Battambang have carried out cooperative programmes in the aspects of tourism, culture and sports, education and training, agriculture, investment and trade, as well as regularly sent delegations of local leaders to visit, work and exchange directions to promote bilateral cooperation.

Besides, Da Nang has provided active support for Cambodian localities. In 2020, the Da Nang government granted 7 full scholarships to students of Battambang Province, and the Da Nang branch of the Viet Nam - Cambodia Friendship Association presented scholarships for children of Cambodian veterans to study at the University of Da Nang.

Deputy Head of the Da Nang NA Deputies' delegation Tran Chi Cuong speaking at the event
Deputy Head of the Da Nang NA Deputies' delegation Tran Chi Cuong speaking at the event

Furthermore, the city donated Battambang Province US$ 10,000 to overcome the consequences of storms and floods, the Battambang City Hall US$300,000 to build a 2-storey hall, and Regiment 42, Military Region 1 of Cambodia, VND2 billion to purchase office equipment and construct a central operating house.

During the complicated developments of COVID-19, the two localities regularly strengthened exchange of information and shared of experience in pandemic prevention and control work.

In 2020 and 2021, Da Nang gave COVID-19 prevention and control aid, including VND100 million in cash, 40,000 face masks, and 1,000 bottles of antiseptic solution to Battambang residents.

According to Mr. Tran Chi Cuong, although Da Nang has not yet signed an official cooperation agreement with Siem Reap Province, the two sides have regularly exchanged delegations of high-ranking officials and cooperated in the fields of tourism, trade, agriculture, investment promotion, cultural exchange, and more.

He added that the Da Nang - Siem Reap air route, operated before 2020, has contributed to promoting cooperation between Da Nang and Cambodian partners in such aspects as trade and tourism.

In the coming time, Da Nang will continue to strengthen cooperative relations with Cambodian localities, maintain delegation exchanges at all levels, strengthen cultural exchange activities, and boost bilateral cooperation in such spheres as tourism, trade, education, agricultural development, and human resource development, Mr. Cuong added.

Reporting by NGOC PHU - Translating by M.DUNG
