
Son Tra District tops Da Nang's public administrative reform ranking

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 16, 2023, 11:12 [GMT+7]

After years of ceaseless effort, Son Tra District took the lead in Da Nang 's 2022 Public Administration Reform (PAR) Index ranking. Reforms in public sector performance management in the district yielded positive results thanks to the district’s high political determination and effective solutions, bringing great benefits to organizations and individuals across the district.

Son Tra District’s one-stop-shop administrative service personnel have a sense of responsibility and understanding of being disciplined and following orders while performing their duties. Photo: TRONG HUY
Son Tra District’s one-stop-shop administrative service personnel have a sense of responsibility and understanding of being disciplined and following orders while performing their duties. Photo: TRONG HUY

Mr Nguyen Hoang Viet, the Vice Chairman of the Son Tra District People's Committee said that the district rose to the top as it has successfully applied information technology, created breakthroughs and pleased the people.

The district’s result of the PAR Index 2022 showed the efforts and determination to promote administrative reform of the district authorities.

The index assesses service quality based on five criteria: access to services, administrative procedures, civil servants, service outcomes and complaint settlement.

A survey of public satisfaction was conducted to collect opinions and evaluations from individuals and organizations on the results of administrative reform in Da Nang’s districts, as well as to measure public satisfaction with the services that agencies of district-level administration offer.

Son Tra district’s result of the PAR Index 2022 was based on feedback collected from 908 people about administration reforms. As a result, 99.7 per cent of surveyed people expressed satisfaction with administration services at agencies of of district administration, according to Mrs Tran Thi Nho, the Manager of Son Tra District Department of the Interior.

The rate of providing online public services in the district at level 4 in 2022 reached 80%. The proportion of dossiers handled at levels 3 and 4 reached 87% at district level and 75% at ward level. Online application process handling time reduced by 10-50% compared to face-to-face processing.

In 2022, district’s initiatives for PAR were recognized by grassroots scientific councils. Included were ‘Suggestions for efficient public administration’,  ‘Solutions to improve efficiency and effectiveness of digital transformation support pilot programme in Phuoc My Ward’, ‘The 5-step method refers to the five terms, all beginning with the letter S in Vietnamese. Basically, these five terms represent the five steps, namely screening, sorting, cleaning, care and readiness at the "One-stop shop" operating in Nai Hien Dong Ward’, ‘Solutions to improve the efficiency of resolving citizens' complaints related to urban infrastructure'.

Vice Chairman Viet remarked that in 2023, the District would continue its efforts to increase public satisfaction with public service delivery and boost digital transformation. The focus will be on adopting an integrated approach of both synchronous and comprehensive methods to PAR while organizing dialogues between local authorities and residents and businesses in a bid to help local government better understand residents' wants and needs, as well as provide timely support for businesses to remove their difficulties and solve their problems. By taking a people-business centric approach to public service delivery, district government will increase public satisfaction with public sector and ensure effective public service delivery.

Reporting by TRONG HUY – Translating by H.L
