
Da Nang - World Bank Joint Working Group makes its debut

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 27, 2023, 10:22 [GMT+7]

In his remarks at a working session on Thursday with the World Bank (WB), Da Nang People's Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh thanked the organisation for its special care and active support for the city in recent times.

Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Le Trung Chinh (7th, right) and representatives of local departments and the World Bank. Photo: M.Q
Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Le Trung Chinh (7th, right) along with representatives of local departments and the World Bank. Photo: M.Q

He added that the two sides’ cooperation programme have been on the right path. The organisation, implementation, coordination and monitoring are mentioned in the Da Nang - World Bank Joint Working Group's operating manual.

In addition, action plans for each technical group have been already prepared to ensure effectiveness and accountability throughout the implementation phase of the Da Nang - World Bank Joint Working Group, Mr. Chinh added.

The city leader requested relevant agencies to closely follow the research outline, and proactively coordinate with WB experts to deploy and periodically report to the municipal People's Committee.

WB Country Director for Viet Nam Carolyn Turk highly praised Da Nang for effectively implementing the WB's cooperation and support programmes over the past decade.

She voiced her belief that this programme will also reap the expected results, thereby underpinning Da Nang's ongoing recovery from COVID-19 and global turmoil, and paving the way for more inclusive, greener and digital-friendly development with reforms to support households and businesses and expand renewable energy.

It is expected that after the cooperation programme, Da Nang will achieve five basic goals of risk management, low-carbon development and sustainable urban transport, digital transformation, circular economy, and public financial management.

The Da Nang - World Bank Joint Working Group (DWG) was established in October 2022, and officially made its debut on October 26, 2023.

DWG's goal is to introduce an organised system of cooperation with Da Nang to help the city achieve its short-term and long-term targets. The DWG will create a clearly structured collaborative system to identify challenges and priority areas.

Five technical groups have been established within the framework of the DWG are "Low carbon development and sustainable urban transport" chaired by the municipal Department of Industry and Trade; "Digital Transformation" by the Department of Information and Communications; “Climate risk and natural disaster management” by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development; “Circular Economy” by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment; and “Public Financial Management” by the Department of Finance.

Reporting by M.QUE - Translating by M.DUNG
