
Da Nang promotes cooperative relations with Russian localities

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 22, 2023, 11:15 [GMT+7]

Da Nang's Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang expressed his hope for stronger cooperation in potential aspects, especially tourism, between his city and Russia during his reception for Russian Ambassador to Viet Nam Bezdetko Gennady Stepanovich on Thursday.

Secretary of Da Nang's Party Committee Nguyen Van Quang (right) presenting a gift to Russian Ambassador to Viet Nam Bezdetko Gennady Stepanovich
Secretary of Da Nang's Party Committee Nguyen Van Quang (right) presenting a gift to Russian Ambassador to Viet Nam Bezdetko Gennady Stepanovich

The Da Nang official expressed his delight at the fruitful cooperation between Viet Nam and Russia over the past years. He also briefed his Russian guest on the city’s socio-economic development, which has been projected to be the growth nucleus of the central key economic region.

Mr. Quang added that, Da Nang determined to develop tourism economy as a spearhead in the city's economic structure and the city is an increasingly attractive destination for many domestic and foreign tourists.

Currently, Da Nang has established relations with a number of Russian localities such as Yaroslavl, Nizhegorod and Briansk. However, the bilateral cooperation between Da Nang and Russian localities is not commensurate with their potential.

Representatives from Da Nang leaders and a delegation of Russia posing for a group photo
Representatives from Da Nang leaders and a delegation of Russia posing for a group photo

Therefore, the city Party chief Nguyen Van Quang hoped that Ambassador Bezdetko Gennady Stepanovich will act as a bridge to appeal for more businesses and investors from Russia to invest in Da Nang as well as organise cultural exchange activities between the two sides in the coming time.

For his part, Mr. Stepanovich lauded Da Nang’s role in Viet Nam’s socio-economic development, and informed that there will be more Russian investors coming to the locality in the time ahead, suggesting local leaders facilitate their operations.

The Russian visitor commented that the world economic situation is undergoing major shifts and changes. Da Nang, and Viet Nam as a whole, were potential new destinations for foreign investors.

He affirmed that he will make the best use of his personal role to develop the friendship and cooperation between Viet Nam and Russia in general, and Da Nang and Russian localities in particular, to be commensurate with potential of both sides.

Reporting by THANH PHUONG - Translating by M.DUNG
