
Japanese social welfare organisation supports disabled people and orphans in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 16, 2023, 19:02 [GMT+7]

Mr. Hoshimaru Ghugo, the President of Japan's Zeno Shounen Bokujo social welfare organisation, pledged to continue supporting people with disabilities and orphans in Da Nang when meeting with municipal People's Committee Vice Chairman Tran Chi Cuong on Friday.

Mr. Hoshimaru Ghugo, President of Japan's Zeno Shounen Bokujo social welfare organisation, (left) presenting a souvenir gift to municipal People's Committee Vice Chairman Tran Chi Cuong
Mr. Hoshimaru Ghugo, President of Japan's Zeno Shounen Bokujo social welfare organisation, (left) presenting a souvenir gift to municipal People's Committee Vice Chairman Tran Chi Cuong

He added that after receiving approval from the Da Nang government, in 2019, the Zeno Shounen Bokujo coordinated with the city's Association for Supporting Orphans and the Disabled to carry out the project on comprehensive support activities to improve social welfare in Da Nang during the 2023-2025 period.

According to Mr. Hoshimaru Ghugo, under the Japanese language training programme which is as part of the abovementioned project, three trainees from the Association have just passed the healthcare professional skills exam and the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test at level N4. It is expected that they will go to Japan to work and live in January 2024.

The Japanese guest hoped that the Da Nang government will continue to support and promote the next activities of the project so that the two sides' cooperation will be strengthened in the coming time.

It is known that the project features categories: free Japanese language training programme for working-age students with difficult circumstances in the city; training course on care and support skills for the association's staff to go to Japan to exchange experience in management; and training courses on improving skills in caring for and nurturing people with disabilities, orphans, homeless people and other unfortunate people.

For his part, Vice Chairman of the municipal People's Committee Tran Chi Cuong expressed his thanks to Zeno Shounen Bokujo for supporting the city in social welfare work.

At the same time, he highly appreciated the activities that the Japanese organisation and the city's Association for Supporting Orphans and the Disabled have cooperated over the past time, contributing to deepening the friendly relationship between Viet Nam and Japan.

The city leader affirmed that Da Nang will continue to support and create favourable conditions for Zeno Shounen Bokujo to operate the project well.

He also asked for help from the Japanese organisation to provide the Association with skills in caring for people with disabilities, orphans and other unfortunate people.

Reporting by THANH PHUONG - Translating by M.DUNG
