
Many Viet Nam - Russia cultural exchange activities to be held in Da Nang in 2024

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 21, 2023, 17:13 [GMT+7]

Chairman of the Da Nang Union of Friendship Organisations (DAFO) Nguyen Ngoc Binh asked for support from the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Viet Nam and the Consulate General of Russia in Da Nang to successfully organise cultural exchange activities between the two countries in 2024 while receiving Russian Ambassador to Viet Nam Bezdetko Gennady Stepanovich on Thursday.

Russian Ambassador to Viet Nam Bezdetko Gennady Stepanovich (left) presenting a souvenir to Chairman of the Da Nang Union of Friendship Organisations Nguyen Ngoc Binh (3rd from right). Photo: T.P
Russian Ambassador to Viet Nam Bezdetko Gennady Stepanovich (left) presenting a souvenir to Chairman of the Da Nang Union of Friendship Organisations Nguyen Ngoc Binh (3rd from right). Photo: T.P

During the meeting, Chairman Binh briefed his Russian guest on general information about Da Nang, plus its advantages and potential.

He also introduced the position and role of DAFO and the city branch of the Viet Nam - Russia Friendship Association in people-to-people diplomacy work.

DAFO Chairman Binh informed his guest about the city’s plans to organise Viet Nam - Russia cultural exchange activities in 2024 to mark the 74th founding anniversary of Viet Nam - Russia diplomatic ties (January 30), the Russian Film Week, and the Russian Culture Day in Da Nang.

He also voiced his hope that the Russian government will grant many scholarships to Da Nang students. He took the opportunity to ask the Russian ambassador to act as a bridge to connect the city with a number of Russian localities in the coming time.

Russian Ambassador to Viet Nam Bezdetko Gennady Stepanovich and DAFO representatives posing for a group photo
Russian Ambassador to Viet Nam Bezdetko Gennady Stepanovich (3rd, left) and DAFO representatives posing for a group photo

In reply, Ambassador Bezdetko Gennady Stepanovich expressed his joy at the effective cooperation between DAFO, the city branch of the Viet Nam - Russia Friendship Association, and the Consulate General of Russia in Da Nang, in ensuring the successful organisation of the Viet Nam-Russia cultural exchange programme in November, 2023.

He hoped that more cultural exchange activities will be held in the year ahead so that the people of the two countries have the opportunity to learn about each other's customs, traditions, and cultural beauty. He emphasised that people-to-people exchange activities will greatly contribute to preserving and cultivating the traditional friendly relationship between Russia and Viet Nam.

Reporting by THANH PHUONG - Translating by M.DUNG
