
Party chief visits Infantry Regiment 971 and Department 11

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 21, 2023, 11:45 [GMT+7]

Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang paid visits to Infantry Regiment 971 under the Da Nang Military High Command, and the Department 11 under the Defence Ministry's General Department II, on Wednesday, on the occasion of the 79th founding anniversary of the Viet Nam People's Army (December 22, 1944 - December 22, 2023) and the 34th anniversary of the All People Defence Festival (December 22, 1989 - December 22, 2023).

Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang (3rd from left) giving flowers to congratulate Infantry Regiment 971. Photo: X.D
Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang (3rd from left) giving flowers to congratulate Infantry Regiment 971. Photo: X.D

During his visit to the Infantry Regiment 971, Secretary Quang sent best wishes to all officers and men of the unit on the special occasion.

At the same time, he congratulated the unit on their outstanding achievements in training and combat, especially the Commander and Political Commissar of the regiment who achieved high results in the military zone level exam. He affirmed that the achievements demonstrated the capacity, determination, and quality of the unit's officers and men.

He asked the regiment's officers and soldiers to continue to promote their achievements, and fulfill their tasks well in 2024, in order to be a key and pioneering unit of the city's Military Command.

Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang (5th from left) extending his congratulations on Department 11 - General Department 2. Photo: X.D
Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang (5th from left) extending his congratulations on Department 11 - General Department 2. Photo: X.D

At the Department 11 under the General Department 2, the city Party chief highly appreciated the results and achievements that the Department achieved in 2023. He also expressed his joy that those results have made extremely important contributions to ensuring national defence and security, and advising Party and State leaders on diplomacy and socio-economic development policies.

The city leader also praised the heroic tradition of Department 11, asking the unit to continue to maintain a good coordinated relationship with the city and armed force units in the locality, thereby contributing to ensuring national defence and security in the Central Viet Nam and Central Highlands regions in general, and Da Nang in particular.

Reporting by XUAN DUNG - Translating by M.DUNG
