
Japanese locality wants to cooperate with Da Nang in carbon neutral port

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
January 11, 2024, 17:47 [GMT+7]

Mr. Hiroki Kato, an administration member of the Japan-Viet Nam Friendship Association of Japan’s Sakai City proposed boosting cooperation with Da Nang in carbon neutral port (CNP) when meeting with municipal People's Committee Vice Chairman Tran Chi Cuong on Thursday.

Da Nang People's Committee Vice Chairman Tran Chi Cuong (right) presenting a souvenir to Mr. Hiroki Kato, an administration member of the Japan-Viet Nam Friendship Association of Japan’s Sakai City
Da Nang People's Committee Vice Chairman Tran Chi Cuong (right) presenting a souvenir to Mr. Hiroki Kato, an administration member of the Japan-Viet Nam Friendship Association of Japan’s Sakai City

According to Mr. Hiroki Kato, Sakai and Da Nang share many similarities, in which, the two localities have the same goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Therefore, he proposed implementing a carbon neutral port (CNP) development project in the central coastal city of Da Nang.

The project will support the fields of energy saving and renewable energy for the ports. Also, advanced technical equipment will be applied and clean energy sources and ammonia fuel will be used in order to lower carbon emissions at logistics areas at the Tien Sa and Lien Chieu ports, thereby helping the city fulfill its commitment to carbon neutrality by 2050.

The Japanese guest took the opportunity to ask for support from the Da Nang government to create favourable conditions for the project to be implemented soon.

Mr. Hiroki Kato also voiced his hope that the two localities will continue to organise cultural and educational exchange events and activities to deepen their bilateral friendship in the coming years.

For his part, Vice Chairman Cuong provided his guest with general information about the city’s socio-economic development situation, its potential and advantages, and aspects calling for investment.

He revealed that Da Nang is currently implementing a project on building Da Nang into an environmentally friendly city, thereby significantly contributing to the overall development of the city.

In the coming time, the city will focus on developing circular economy, green economy, and low-carbon models, as well as striving to achieve sustainable development targets by 2030, he added.

Vice Chairman Cuong expressed his thanks and high appreciation for the active support of the Japan – Viet Nam Friendship Association of Sakai in connecting and tightening the relationship between two localities.

He proposed Da Nang and Sakai continue to boost cooperation in fields and programmes which have been agreed recently, as well as open up more cooperation opportunities in order to create motivation to promote their post-pandemic socio-economic development in the near future.

Reporting by THANH PHUONG - Translating by M.DUNG
