
Vietnamese, Lao NAs share experiences in socio-economic development policy making

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 05, 2024, 17:35 [GMT+7]

Vice Chairman of Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) Nguyen Duc Hai and his Lao counterpart Sommad Pholsena co-chaired a seminar on the role of the legislative body in building and implementing socio-economic development policies in the central city of Da Nang on Thursday.

Vice Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai delivering the opening speech at the seminar. Photo: T.P
Vice Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai delivering the opening speech at the seminar. Photo: T.P

The seminar consisted of two sessions: “Developing the collective economy and attracting foreign direct investment”, and “The role of social credit policies in implementing the national target programme on socio-economic development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the 2021-2030 period”.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Hai remarked that the seminar was a continuation of activities within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the National Assemblies of Viet Nam and Laos signed in May 2022. He also highlighted the importance of the event in sharing experiences and practical lessons in building and implementing socio-economic development policies.

The information and lessons learned from the seminar will be useful for each country in developing or further perfecting mechanisms and policies to serve socio-economic development, he noted.

He added that the Vietnamese legislature will further strengthen its cooperation with the Lao side, continuing to build upon and promote experiences and results of collaboration to contribute to reinforcing and developing the special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, States, and people.

Vice Chairman of the Lao National Assembly Sommad Pholsena speaking at the seminar. Photo: T.P
Vice Chairman of the Lao National Assembly Sommad Pholsena speaking at the seminar. Photo: T.P

On behalf of the Lao NA delegation, Sommad Pholsena expressed his honour in leading the Lao NA delegation to attend the seminar.

He unveiled that his visit aimed to exchange experiences with the Vietnamese legislative body on foreign investment attraction, and social credit policies.

Discussions at the event focused on sharing experiences in building policies and laws to attract and manage foreign investment; collective economic development policies, including policies on developing agricultural cooperatives associated with developing green economy, circular economy, and knowledge economy; the National Target Programme on Socio-Economic Development in Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas for the 2021-2030 period; and social credit policies.

The seminar in progress
The seminar in progress. Photo: T.P

Concluding his speech, Vice Chairman Hai expressed his belief that the National Assemblies of Viet Nam and Laos will continue to have increasingly comprehensive and effective cooperation activities, as well as share valuable experiences in theoretical research, and summarize practices in the governance process, including co-organizing such seminars and thematic discussions.

Reporting by THANH PHUONG - Translating by M.DUNG
