
Free iced tea for examinees

Published: July 05, 2013

As its contribution to the 2013 Giving Strength in the Exam Season programme, Da Nang University’s Student Association is running the “Iced Tea for the Community” campaign.  A large number of volunteers from local universities and colleges are actively involved in this annual activity.

In 2012, around 8,000 litres of free iced tea were provided for candidates who were taking the university entrance exams in the city at 10 different locations.

Local volunteers giving bottles of free iced tea to exam candidates at the coach station
Local volunteers giving bottles of free iced tea to exam candidates at the coach station

This year’s campaign has attracted about 200 volunteers, and is expected to give out about 15,000 litres of free iced tea for the examinees.  Around 120 litres of iced tea are being provided at each exam location every day. 

In addition, the volunteers are also providing information about lodgings and free telephone calls to help candidates keep contact with their relatives and friends, or deal with any unexpected problems.  Therefore, the campaign is not only offering assistance to the candidates but is also helping Da Nang to build an image of a hospitable and friendly city.

The head of the campaign’s organising board, Mr Pham Duc Linh, said that his initial idea was to implement this campaign at a few locations in the city.  He added he was very happy because, since it was launched, the campaign has attracted a great deal of attention from both local volunteers and generous donors.

The campaign is expected to be operating at even more locations this year to help candidates quench their thirst during the hot weather, as well as sit their exams more successfully.
