
Poor children with congenital heart complaints to have surgery funded

Published: October 20, 2014

The Da Nang People’s Committee has recently issued a policy to fund surgery for local children with congenital heart complaints.  The beneficiaries will be children under 16 years old who are permanent residents of Da Nang and have health insurance cards.  They will come from poor families and those receiving monthly social allowances.

The city budget will cover the balance of the cost of their heart surgery when performed at local public hospitals, after deducting the health insurance payment and any donations from domestic and foreign individuals and organisations.

A maximum of 20 million VND will be given to each heart surgery case if the surgery is carried out in one of the city’s private hospitals.  The receivers will also be given 50,000 VND for meals per person per day for a maximum 15 days.  In addition, their travelling fees for every medical examination will be supported to a maximum of 500,000 VND per patient.  
