
Da Nang Newspaper wins the hearts of its readers

Published: September 24, 2015

Over recent years, the Da Nang Newspaper has made great efforts to improve its content and design in order to satisfy the increasing demands of local readers and deserve its stated role as the voice of the Party, government and people of Da Nang.

To mark the 55th anniversary of the newspaper's first issue, local readers have been sharing their thoughts about its editions.

Director Hung
Director Hung

The Director of the Ha Giang-Phuoc Tuong Mechanical Engineering Company, Mr Ha Duc Hung, said that he decided to read the Da Nang Newspaper to get a daily update about the operation of the city’s businesses and because it is the voice of the Party, government and people of the city.  Thanks to the newspaper, his company has developed its own business strategies to match with the city’s development orientations, he said.

Director Hung also suggested that more articles written by political, economic, cultural and social experts should be published in the newspaper to make it more attractive to its readers.
Mr Tuan
Mr Tuan

The former Deputy Director of the Quang Nam-Da Nang Department of Publicity and Training, Mr Nguyen Kim Tuan, said that the newspaper boasts skilful reporters and attractive articles. 

He said that 2015 has been chosen as the Year for Culture and Urban Civilisation.  Therefore, he suggested that the newspaper should focus more on encouraging good behaviour amongst local residents, and criticise any bad habits, behaviour and attitudes of locals which are not consistent with Vietnamese habits and customs, in addition to publishing stories about clean and beautiful streets and the city as a whole.

Mrs Suzanna Lubran, a trustee of Newborns Vietnam, said that Danang Today, the English online edition of the Da Nang Newspaper, is a useful information channel for her, as well as for other ex-pats who are either working or studying in Da Nang.  It has become actively involved in publicising the guidelines and policies of the city, plus events across the world.

Mrs Lubran
Mrs Lubran

She spoke highly of the efficiency of the stories about the ‘Make the World Cleaner 2015’ campaign.  These have helped people worldwide understand that Da Nang has always given top priority to environmental protection. 

Mrs Lubran also praised Danang Today for its stories about receptions hosted by the city leaders for foreign statesmen, diplomats and businesspeople worldwide.  This has helped her and her co-workers understand more about those city aspects which are seeking FDI.  In addition, it conveys a message that attracting FDI is one of the city’s most important factors in helping to boost its growth.

The British woman remarked that, through Danang Today, Da Nang has advertised its beautiful image to international friends, helping pull worldwide countries closer to the city.  In particular, Danang Today has reflected on the significant improvements in the city’s infrastructure over recent years and on those planned for the future.  Included were the Hai Van Tunnel, the upgrade of the Tien Sa Port, the Tien Son Bridge, beachside streets, and the building of the new terminal at Da Nang International Airport.





