
Great love for AO victims

Published: August 05, 2016

A number of charitable events will be held across Da Nang in recognition of the 55th anniversary of the first use of Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin in Viet Nam, and also the national day for AO victims (10 August).  The aim is to appeal for more public donations to help the over 5,000 AO victims currently living in Da Nang.

Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary Vo Cong Tri presenting gifts to local AO-affected children
Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary Vo Cong Tri presenting gifts to local AO-affected children

Most notably, a total of over 100 junior high school pupils from Hai Chau District recently visited the city’s Care Centre for AO Victims and Disadvantaged Children in Hoa Vang District’s Hoa Nhon Commune where they presented gifts to AO-affected children there. 

Through their visit, the pupils had the opportunity to understand more about the difficulties of AO victims and learn how to share their sympathy and love with the disadvantaged people.

Pupil Le Huynh Thao Vy from Kim Dong Junior High School had a strong admiration for AO-affected victims at the centre.  Despite their serious disabilities, they were very actively engaged in delightful singing and dancing performances, as well as in making craft items, which really took Vy by surprise.  She hoped that more practical visits would be organised in the future in order to allow her, and the other local pupils, to give more help to local disadvantaged people.

Local AO-affected children and volunteers from an international organisation
Local AO-affected children and volunteers from an international organisation

Meanwhile, AO-affected girl Pham Thi Thu Diem from the Centre said she was very happy to welcome the visiting pupils, and especially to play, sing and chat with them.

In addition to the visit by the local pupils, the NICEF Representative in Viet Nam, Mr Youssouf Abdel-Jelil, visited and presented gifts to the AO-affected children at the Centre. 

He said that he was deeply touched by the pain of the AO-affected victims there.  He pledged to do his utmost to appeal for more donations from generous philanthropists all over the world to help local AO victims and disabled children.  He also remarked that, over the past 6 years, UNICEF has raised a total of around 330,000 USD from international individuals and organisations for the city’s Association of AO Victims (DAVA).

DAVA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Hien remarked, “Last year, a total of 44 billion VND was raised by the Association’s chapters to help local AO victims.  The Association also pledged to care for 5 local bed-ridden AO victims at its shelters.

She hoped that DAVA would appeal for more donations from domestic and foreign organisations and individuals to relieve the mental and physical pain of those affected by AO - a bitter legacy of the war.


