
Illegal foreign language signs removed

Published: April 14, 2017

On Wednesday, relevant agencies in Da Nang’s Son Tra District inspected some production and business establishments within the district.

Many of the businesses, especially those along Pham Van Dong, Ha Chuong and Phan Boi, were found to be violating the State regulations about advertising signboards. 

Under the advertising law of Viet Nam 2012, wording in adverts and signs must be primarily in Vietnamese.  If a foreign language is used on the same advert, that lettering must be less than 3/4 the size of the Vietnamese letters, and must be placed underneath the Vietnamese letters.

Some of the establishments were found to have their signboards written entirely in Korean, and other signboards had the Korean words placed above the Vietnamese ones instead of below.  As a result, the local inspectors asked the owners of the violating establishments to remove all the offending signboards.
