
Coastal erosion at My Khe Beach

Published: January 10, 2018

Some sections of Da Nang’s My Khe Beach have been suffering devastating erosion over recent months.

The Bien 1 swimming area is the hardest hit by the erosion
The Bien 1 swimming area is the hardest hit by the erosion (Photo: Trong Huy)

According to Mr Tran Dai Nghia, the Deputy Head of the Management Board of the Son Tra Peninsula and Da Nang Tourism Beaches, there are currently 2 rip currents causing coastal erosion along the Sao Bien 1 swimming area as part of the My Khe Beach, and another section in front of the Danang Beach Hotel. 

To make problem worse, the Sao Bien 1 section has disappeared due to soil erosion.

Recently, the foundation of a concrete watch tower of a tourism area near the Sao Bien 1 was wiped out by strong sea waves.

Previously, many beach service providers along the beach had become increasingly worried about such coastal erosion at an alarming rate.  They also complained that sea water encroached on their facilities, putting off their potential customers.

In an attempt to solve the matter of deep concern, the Management Board of the Son Tra Peninsula and Da Nang Tourism Beaches have sent work forces to fortify the embankment along the beach, on the verge of collapse, with a large volume of stones and sandbags.

In particular, the board has already made a report on the impacts of erosion on the environment, and asked the municipal People’s Committee to approve funding from the city budget for dike reinforcement activities over the coming time. 

Apart from the coastal erosion problem, pavement sections stretching from Nguyen Van Thoai to Vo Van Kiet coastal streets have deteriorated, which has caused difficulties for pedestrians crossing there.  The management board has already submitted solutions to this issue along with estimated costs of the upgrade of the damaged pavements to the city leaders for approval.


