
Pilot smart parking service debuts in downtown city

Published: January 09, 2018

Da Nang has set aside 2 downtown streets – Tran Phu and Bach Dang – for a pilot smart-parking project.

Public parking in Trần Phú street in Đà Năng city. Parking fees can be paid by phone or SMS. — VNS Photo Công Thành Read more at http://vietnamnews.vn/society/420751/smart-parking-debuts-in-da-nang.html#kapWMkJKp7Jp7UO9.99
A public parking on Tran Phu . Parking fees can be paid by phone or SMS. — VNS Photo Cong Thanh

According to the municipal Transport Department, the project is part of the city’s ‘Improving Da Nang Urban Traffic Corridor’ project by Toyota Mobility Foundation (TMF). 

The new service will allow commuters to pay parking fees through their smart phones or (SMS).
Fees for each parking place will cost from 15,000 VND to 30,000 VND for 2 hours.

The Department plans to expand smart parking projects into more public parking areas in the future years.

In June 2017, the city and TMF jointly launched a new public shuttle bus route costing 2.9 million US$ to help prevent traffic congestion.

Accordingly, the new TMF-funded intra-city bus route is operating in Da Nang on a trial basis for 1 year.

The TMF bus station is located on Bui Duong Lich.  Under the TMF-funded programme, all local residents and visitors are enjoying free fares on the route for 1 year after the date of its official launch.  Passengers are also benefiting from free parking of their personal vehicles at the P&R Bui Duong Lich parking area.

The city is now home to a total of 15 car parks in the city centre, and it is planning to develop 158 others by 2030, including public underground car parks.

According to local traffic police, the city now has 69,000 cars, 800,000 motorbikes and more than 5,000 electric bikes, excluding cars and personal vehicles from other localities nationwide that visit the city every day.

(Source: VNS/ DA NANG Today)

