
Seriously sick fisherman saved

Published: January 10, 2018

A sick member of the crew of fishing boat BD 95395 TS from Binh Dinh Province was safely brought back to Da Nang for treatment on Tuesday.

Rescuers transferring the victim from fishing boat BD 95395 TS to their rescue ship
Rescuers transferring the victim from fishing boat BD 95395 TS to their rescue ship

At 2.17pm on Monday, 43-year-old fisherman Huynh Van Cuong was reported that he had begun vomiting blood one day ago. At that time the vessel was fishing in the sea off the Hoang Sa (Paracels) archipelago.

After receiving an SOS message from the boat’s 50-year-old owner Truong Sy Hoang, the Viet Nam Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (Viet Nam MRCC) immediately helped the boat’s crew members to contact doctors from the Marine Medicine Institute to ask for first aid instructions. 

However, Mr Cuong was in a very critical condition and constantly vomiting blood.  Therefore, the Viet Nam MRCC asked the Da Nang MRCC to send out its rescue ship SAR 412, carrying doctors from the city’s Emergency Centre 115, to help the victim.

At 2.45pm on Tuesday, SAR 412 reached the fishing boat at around 20 nautical miles south-southwest from the Tri Ton Island in Viet Nam’s Hoang Sa Archipelago.  The patient was, then, transferred to the rescue ship for initial first aid. At 1.45pm that day, the victim was safely brought back to the mainland for further treatment.

