Total number of online public services at levels 3 and 4 increases to 572
Between January and June, Da Nang’s information and communications sector earned 13,856 billion VND in revenue, representing the year's target by 58%, and increasing by 27% compared with the same period last year.
The total export turnover of software rose by 25% against last year to reach 39 million USD, fulfilling 51% of the year’s target.
The application of information technology (IT) in State management activities was implemented synchronously and effectively. The city’s e-government system maintained stable operation.
The ‘document management’ software was effectively used by 230 government departments and agencies, and organisations across the city. The ‘one-door’ software was used synchronously.
During that period, more 17 online public services in total were put into used, which brought the total number of online public services at levels 3 and 4 to 572.
The piloting of many smart applications in such aspects as healthcare, education, transport, environment, food safety and public services was successfully completed.
In the remaining months of the years, the municipal information and communications sector will continue perfecting its ‘A Smart City’ project, and then submit it to the municipal People’s Committee for consideration.
The focus will be on installing security cameras, and ensuring the security at some intersections and residential areas, as well as establishing teams across the city which will be responsible for monitoring social networking information around the clock.
Also, heed will be paid to informing local residents about fake social network accounts which share false and misleading information that distorts the Party's policies and the State law.