
Growing numer of foreigners working in local tourism service establishments

By DA NANG Today
Published: December 18, 2018, 17:06 [GMT+7]

Thanks to its tourism rapid development over recent years, along with its deeper global integration and its inviting image as a dynamic, friendly and hospitable destination, Da Nang has welcomed a growing number of foreigners who come to visit and work.

Popular An Thuong Tourism Quarter in Ngu Hanh Son District’s My An Ward has seen a growing number of shops and restaurants serving foreigners
Popular An Thuong Tourism Quarter in Ngu Hanh Son District’s My An Ward has seen a growing number of shops and restaurants serving foreigners

Between January and mid-November, there are 735 tourism service companies operating in the city employing a combined total of 1,936 foreign workers, up 24% against the same period last year, mainly from South Korea and China. However, 1,303 of them have been granted work permits by the national government bodies.

It is no denying that rapid-growing foreign tourist arrivals in recent years have led to the thriving in services catering for foreigners.

Recent years have seen a boom in the number of restaurants, supermarkets, speciality shops, spas, and other tourism service establishments hiring foreign employees. These venues are owned either by foreigners or Vietnamese nationals.

Along Duong Dinh Nghe, which is dubbed as a ‘South Korean street’ in Son Tra District, there are a large number of shops, supermarkets, beauty salons serving international tourists, especially South Korean nationals.

The South Korean owner of a handbag store located on this street said he opened this venue 5 months ago. The reason why he decided to choose Da Nang to do business is that the city is now one of the top destinations in the world for South Korean travellers to come to visit or work.

A rapid-growing number of foreign tourist arrivals to Da Nang in recent years have led to the thriving in services catering for foreigners.
A rapid-growing number of foreign tourist arrivals to Da Nang in recent years have led to the thriving in services catering for foreigners.

Likewise, it is reported that a large number of foreigners now temporarily reside in the popular An Thuong Tourism Quarter in Ngu Hanh Son District’s My An Ward.

Bounded by 4 main streets, namely Hoang Ke Viem to North, Ngo Thi Sy to the South, Chau Thi Vinh Te to the west, and Vo Nguyen Giap to the east, the quarter has named the city’s ‘Pho Tay’ (Street of Foreigners) which offers various drinking and eating services, and attractive night-time entertainment activities for foreigners.

Especially, the Night Market area located on An Thuong 4 Street is often crowded with foreign customers.

The venue, owned by a Japanese married couple, features more than 10 food and drink stalls highlighting the French, American, Japanese, Italian, and Mexican cuisines.

It is noticeable that there are many restaurants and shops that exclusively serve rapid-growing South Korean and Chinese tourists who travel in large groups, and these venues offer their products and services at high prices.

Once they arrive in the city, these foreigners are taken to these dedicated venues, and the tour organisers and guides are paid hefty commissions for taking them there.

In tourists-packed Son Tra District, a total of 600 houses in residential areas and high-end apartments have been leased to foreigners for residence.

A sum of 50 restaurants, spas, gyms, supermarkets, yoga training and massage facilities, and speciality shops now hire foreigners.

Between January and November, the total number of foreign temporarily staying in the district reached about 773,000, 3 times more than the figure reported in the same period last year.
