
Five Da Nang electricity engineers gain ASEAN professional engineering certificates

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 02, 2020, 11:08 [GMT+7]

Five engineers from the Da Nang Electricity Company Limited (Da Nang PC) have been honoured with ASEAN professional engineering certificates at the 38th Conference of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisations (CAFEO 38), which was virtually hosted by Ha Noi late last month. 

To be fully eligible for this internationally high prestigious and valuable professional certification, the engineers must meet such strict criteria as graduating from an engineering university, having seven years of professional experience,  two years significant engineering work of responsible charge, good work ethics, and being involved in many outstanding research projects. 

Themed 'Fostering initiatives and actions by AFEO to build a sustainable and prosperous ASEAN Community', CAFEO 38 featured intensive discussions on such matters as transportation, environmental engineering, disaster response, and the development of an ASEAN energy system.

CAFEO is held annually by the 10 ASEAN member states on a rotating basis. Established in 1982, the federation is made up of various engineering institutions in the region.

By KHANH HOA- Translated by A.T
