Monday, 17/3/2025 6:42 [GMT+7]
Da Nang 24 - 31 ºC

Negative test result for all residents living at 12T3 apartment building linked to a suspected case in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
May 07, 2021, 10:13 [GMT+7]

Tests on all 488 people who are living in the same apartment building with a suspected COVID-19 patient linked to New Phuong Dong Night Club have came back negative for the virus, Son Tra District Medical Centre Director Pham Hong Nam confirmed on Friday morning.

“Late afternoon on Thursday, 337 out of  488 people living in this building tested negative for COVID-19, and the remainder received negative test certificates on Friday morning”, Director Nam said.

Earlier on Thursday morning, the centre’s medical workers took a combined throat and nose swab of these people to test for coronavirus. It is known that a suspected case in Da Nang is living on the 6th floor of the 12T3 apartment building located on Bui Duong Lich Street, Nai Hien Dong Ward, Son Tra District, so as tests were performed separately for residents living in the same floor with this woman, and the remainder living in this building.

Also on Thursday morning, the district authorities imposed a lockdown order on this building after a suspected patient had detected here.

The spraying of chemical disinfectants were already carried out at the 12T3 apartment building and surrounding areas on Thursday.

All residents in this building have been asked to stay at home, and limit their contact with others.

“Despite their negative results, we are urging all people living in this building to strictly follow the 5K recommendations of the Vietnamese Health Ministry, namely khau trang (facemask), khu khuan (disinfection), khoang cach (distance), khong tu tap (no gathering), and khai bao y te (health declaration), as well as staying compliant with the city’s COVID-19 regulations during the lockdown period.” , Mr Nam remarked.

Reporting by PHAN CHUNG – Translating by H.L
