
Da Nang border guard bust many drug-related crimes

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 04, 2022, 11:16 [GMT+7]

Crime prevention and control is a key task in managing and protecting sovereignty and border security. The Da Nang Border Guard Command has, over recent times, focused on steeping up fighting against drugs and crimes and launching surprise raids onto criminals, thereby contributing to maintaining political security, social order and safety in coastal border areas.

The Da Nang Port Border Guard Force caught red-handed the suspect Doan Le Ngoc Anh illegally possessing narcotics. Photo: DOAN QUANG
The Da Nang Port Border Guard Force caught red-handed the suspect Doan Le Ngoc Anh illegally possessing narcotics. Photo: DOAN QUANG

According to Colonel Ton Quoc Khanh, Commander of the Da Nang Border Guard, the situation of crimes, and drug-related ones in particular in Da Nang, has showed many complicated developments. In the maritime border area, due to complex influences from outside, drug criminals have operated with increasingly sophisticated with cunning tricks and inter-provincial operations.

Although the scale is not large and the level is small, there are many potential unpredictable factors.  The criminals are diverse, including young people, teenagers, students, workers and women. The majority of drugs is brought into Da Nang from the northern provinces for sales to addicts.

Of special note, recent times have witnessed an increase in drug use among adolescents and young adults. In the face of that situation, the municipal Border Guard Command has geared up implementing basic professional activities, especially secret investigation and in-depth analysis and assessment for building up battle plan.

In this year's peak combat against for crimes, the municipal’s Border Guard's drugs prevention and control force has strengthened its work of grasping, detecting and handling the situation, stepping up professional measures, and cracking down on drug trafficking and storage deeds. 

Till date, many cases of illegal drug trafficking and trade have been busted.

Typically, on March 19, at Chu Huy Man Street, Nai Hien Dong Ward, Son Tra District, the Son Tra Border Guard Station officers caught red-handed a local man illegally transporting drugs. The seized exhibits included one package of synthetic drugs in the form of ice, one motorbike and VND2.2 million.

During an emergency examination of the subject's house, the law enforcement force also seized an additional package of synthetic drugs in the form of ice, and one precision scale.

On March 22, in front of house No. 106 Ton Duc Thang Street, Hoa Minh Ward, Lien Chieu District, the Phu Loc Border Guard Station officers took the arrest of a young man in Thanh Khe Tay Ward for illegal drugs storage.

At the scene, one package of synthetic drugs in the form of ice, one phone, one motorbike and VND3 million in cash were seized.

Whilst conducting an emergency examination of the subject's inn in Hoa Khanh Bac Ward, Lien Chieu District, functional forces seized 125 more packages of white solid crystals, five tablets with a total weight ò about 80 grams) and one precision scale.

The Border Guard Command has directed the grassroots departments, divisions and units to firmly grasp the situation in the maritime border area, detect the plots and tricks of the hostile forces from afar, and closely coordinate with other relevant local forces to handle many violations occurring in the locality, raise public awareness of the sense of law observance.

Reporting by NHU THAO – Translating by A.THU
