
Da Nang strengthens community-based compulsory drug rehabilitation

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 19, 2022, 16:06 [GMT+7]

Over recent years, Da Nang has always focused on drug addiction rehabilitation and post-detoxification management in the community, with high priority given to upgrading facilities and equipment, and increasing human resources, to ensure favourable conditions for addiction rehabilitation work.

As for drug addiction rehabilitation at home and in the community in recent years, the municipal Department of Health has directed district-level medical centres to strengthen professional training and send their doctors and nurses to medical facilities to support their efforts in carrying out rehabilitation, relieve, detox and restore health for drug addicts in line with the direction from the municipal administration.

During the 2014-2021 period, 1,014 drug addicts underwent detoxification at home and in the community. 821 of them completed the detoxification programme, equally to 81%.

During that period, the city actively provided loans, vocational training courses, job opportunities, and practical support for 1,856 addicts with a total amount of VND5.898 billion after their addiction treatment and recovery. In addition, 163 drug abstainers who have not relapsed after 5 years of compulsory detoxification received VND10 million in financial support per person.

In its efforts to make drug addiction rehabilitation at home and community more effective in the coming time, the city will continue to ensure adequate facilities, equipment and personnel at public non-business units.

Moreover, the authorities at district level will closely coordinate with supply providers citywide to provide voluntary drug addiction rehabilitation services at home and in the community.

Additionally, heed will be on widely publicising the positive aspects of voluntary drug addiction rehabilitation in families and the community so that drug users can better understand.

Reporting by HUONG SEN - Translating by M.DUNG
