
7.5 tons of plastic waste recycled in Da Nang in 2022

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 09, 2023, 18:22 [GMT+7]

Da Nang and iDE Viet Nam have entered into a cooperation agreement on implementing the DMDP project ‘Creating a Sustainable Circular Economy for Plastic Waste in Viet Nam’ funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) at a total budget of VND 34.57 billion.

The project, led by a consortium consisting of iDE, Oceanworks and Evergreen Social Ventures, seeks to promote reuse and recycling of plastic waste across Da Nang, and Viet Nam as a whole, in order to provide income opportunities to waste pickers. Furthermore, the project aims to reduce plastic waste in coastal cities of Viet Nam.

Under the project, by 2024, the project will create jobs for 750 people at waste collection, transit or sorting establishments, and increase income for 750 waste pickers, as well as promote recycling programs in Da Nang.

At the same time, heed will be paid to collecting, recycling and reusing plastic waste, in order to minimize overall plastic waste in the ocean, and ensuring that plastic waste recycling businesses are provided with desired products at competitive prices and have a reliable source of raw materials.

Illustrative image (Source: DNO)
Illustrative image (Source: DNO)

In 2022, the project management board worked with the Da Nang Department of Natural Resources and Environment along with its branches in Thanh Khe, Son Tra and Ngu Hanh Son districts to provide guidance on fire safety procedures, as well as provide training courses on sorting of plastic waste for waste collection and plastic recycling establishments and household businesses. In addition, assistance was given to these businesses to organize the festival named "Blue sea, clean environment" in Son Tra District.

Over the past year, a combined total of 7.5 tons of single-use plastic waste was collected and recycled in the city under the DANIDA- funded project.

In 2023, the project management board will continue to work with authorities at local level to take more effective measures to increase the plastics recycling rate by 10.5%. Special attention will be given to connecting with waste collection and recycling establishments in an effort to improve income for waste-pickers. Importance will be attached to delivering responsible business training to 100 waste collection establishments. Priority will be given to facilitating recycling businesses to connect with their trading partners in an attempt to help them access market opportunities for their recycled plastic products.

On Wednesday afternoon, iDE Viet Nam was honoured with the certificate of merit from Da Nang People's Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh for its dedication to humanitarian aid work in Da Nang in 2022.

Reporting by HOANG HIEP – Translating by H.L
