
Dedication aspirations of typical Da Nang students

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 11, 2023, 17:36 [GMT+7]

Two students Ta Hoang Phuc and Pham Huynh Khanh Du,22, studying in the same class, majoring in Chemistry Pedagogy at the University of Education, a member school of the University of Da Nang are typical representatives of the city that have just been honoured with the title "The Student of 5 Merits" approved by the Viet Nam Student Association. These are students with excellent achievements in studies and life activities completing 5 criteria: ‘Good study - Good ethics - Good volunteering - Good integration - Good fitness’.

Ta Hoang Phuc (left) and Pham Huynh Khanh Duy (right) are awarded the title of

Honoured to win the dual title

Ta Hoang Phuc was born in a family with his parents work in the medical industry. Since childhood, his father and mother oriented him to become a doctor, however, Phuc dreamed of becoming a teacher.

The years of studying chemistry at the Da Nang Le Quy Don Senior High School for the Gifted were the foundation and motivation for him to pass the Chemistry Pedagogy entrance exam at the Da Nang University of Education.

During his four academic years at the university, Phuc was elected the Secretary of the Youth Union organisation of Chemistry Department, becoming a "leader" in the Youth Union's activities. This is an opportunity and also a challenge for him to balance his studies and organise the most effective Youth Union and community-targeted activities.

Phuc said that in order to win the national title of ‘The Student of 5 Merits’, from the first year of university, Phuc actively participated in many volunteer activities and maintained good physical strength to meet the strict criteria.

Phuc has organised many meaningful volunteer activities. In particular, at the end of 2022, Hoang Phuc launched the collection of waste paper in his faculty for sales to raise funds. The amount of more than VND 5 million from sales was spent on giving gifts to the children of Agent Orange at the Da Nang Centre for the Protection of Agent Orange Victims and Disadvantged Children.

With many great efforts in volunteering activities, Phuc was awarded a certificate of merit by the Da Nang Students’ Association for his outstanding achievements in the ‘Green Summer’ campaign in 2022.

At school, Phuc has always recorded excellent academic achievements and received scholarships for many consecutive years, as well as regularly participated in scientific research activities at the faculty.

In addition, the student from Son Tra District completed a race with a distance of 61.54km at the VUG Running 2021 online race event entitled ‘Student Challenge’.

In particular, in addition to the title of ‘The Student of 5 Merits’, in 2022, Phuc was awarded the ‘January Star’ award by the Central Committee of Viet Nam Student Association.

“In the process of completing the criteria, I am very happy to receive encouragement and help from family, teachers and friends. In learning, training, and volunteering, I always define specific goals, promote my abilities and constantly learn to achieve more. In the coming time, I will actively hone my skills and develop myself to become a teacher dedicated to education in my homeland”, said Phuc.

Spread the movement ‘The Student of 5 Merit’

In a similar vein, student Pham Huynh Khanh Duy won the national title ‘The Student of 5 Merit’ for 2 consecutive years (in 2021 and 2022). Born and raised up in Thanh Khe District, Duy wanted to become a teacher since childhood.

Currently, his major is Chemistry Pedagogy at the Da Nang University of Education. Duy has made constant efforts to make an impression in learning and volunteering for the community.

Over the years, he has regularly participated in ‘Green Summer’, ‘Winter Volunteer’ and voluntary blood donation campaigns as well as many community activities organised by the faculty and the whole school.

In April 2022, the male student actively participated in the volunteer programme ‘Spring sunshine for children’ at the Da Nang Centre for Raising Disadvantaged Children, also known as the Village of Hope.

He was awarded a certificate of merit by the Da Nang Student Association in recognition of outstanding achievements in the association's work and student movement in the 2021 - 2022 academic year.

It is very difficult to balance the community activities and the study, but Duy has made great endevour to harmonise with a reasonable timetable.

In addition to achieving English level of IELTS 7.0, Duy has 2 scientific articles, with the coordination with his lectures in the faculty, published in international journals and conferences.

“I will share my experiences with many students to help them strive, complete the criteria and achieve the title ‘The Student of 5 Merits’. At the same time, I will continue to improve myself to become a teacher in the future and spread knowledge and good life skills to students’, said Duy.

Deputy Secretary of the Da Nang Youth Union, Chairman of the municipal Student Union Le Cong Hung said that, over the years, the movement ‘The Student of 5 Merits’ has become the goal many students in the city strive to achieve.

From this movement, many examples of students who have achieved excellent results in learning and training are increasingly replicated, creating great influence, contributing to promoting the spirit of self-study, self-training and comprehensive development in students.

“Phuc and Duy are two outstanding individuals in volunteering, studying, training, and integrating well. The aforementioned title is a worthy achievement for the efforts made by the two students who set a typical example for others across the whole city to follow’, said Hung.

Reporting by NGOC QUOC - Translating by A.THU



