
Community-based groups help protect aquatic resources and marine environment

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 23, 2023, 18:18 [GMT+7]

Community-based groups of fishermen in coastal districts in Da Nang have been helping protect marine environments and aquatic resources, as well as detect and prevent illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in Central Viet Nam.

Leaders of Thanh Khe District handed over the decision about the establishment of a community-based group involving the co-management and the protection of aquatic resources in Thanh Khe Dong Ward. Photo: N.P
Leaders of Thanh Khe District handed over the decision about the establishment of a community-based group involving the co-management and the protection of aquatic resources in Thanh Khe Dong Ward. Photo: N.P

The leader of the community-based group of fishermen in Hoa Hiep Bac Ward, Lien Chieu District Nguyen Quang said that 30 members of the group are fishermen who often stick to the sea. Most fishing boats in the locality have the largest length of less than 12 meters.

According to Mr. Quang, since the beginning of 2023, the group has reported more than 5 violation cases to the Hai Van Border Guard Station for handling.

Deputy Head of the Economic Office of the Lien Chieu District Tran Quang Vinh remarked the purpose of the establishment of community-based groups was to promote the responsibility in the management, protection and development of aquatic resources in the district between the local authorities and fishermen, as well as raise awareness, responsibilities and obligations of the community in the management and protection of aquatic resources in a sustainable way.

At the same time, it contributes to reducing harmful impacts on the ecological environment and aquatic resources in coastal waters, and maintaining sustainable livelihoods for fishermen.

Mr. Nguyen Van Thu, leader of the community-based group in Thanh Khe Dong Ward, Thanh Khe District, shared that during the fishing process, members of the group will cooperate in patrolling and inspecting aquaculture and fishing activities, and protecting aquatic resources in coastal waters.

“Group members will record and report violation cases involving the use of electric generators, explosives and poison to catch fish, to the group leader for handling. After receiving the information, the team leader quickly reports the cases to the Phu Loc Border Guard Station, local authorities, and the city's Fisheries Sub-Department to prevent and handle in time” Mr. Thu added.

Head of the Economic Office of Thanh Khe District Vo Kim Tu highlighted the vital role of community-based group in protecting coastal aquatic resources. Group members are active in cleaning up plastic waste, thereby contributing to ensuring environmental sanitation and urban beauty.

“In the coming time, the Economic Office of the district will continue to manage, support and promote the role of the community-based group, mobilise more fishermen to join the group, and have supportive policies to facilitate the group’s activities” Mr. Tu added.

Major Le Minh Hoang, Head of the Phu Loc Border Guard Station, said that with its role and responsibilities, the unit always accompanies community-based groups in the protection of aquatic resources and marine environment. At the same time, the unit regularly signs commitments to combat IUU fishing.

In 2022, the municipal Fisheries Sub-Department worked with local authorities and 4 community-based groups in the wards of Hoa Hiep Bac Ward in Lien Chieu District, Thanh Khe Dong Ward in Thanh Khe District, and Tho Quang and Man Thai wards in Son Tra District, to review and rearrange the groups, as well as prepare necessary dossiers for recognising the rights of such community-based groups in performing joint management in the protection of aquatic resources.

Till date, the authorities of Lien Chieu, Thanh Khe and Son Tra districts have announced the decision to recognise and assign management rights to 4 community-based groups with 105 members in total.

Since early this year, the groups have actively carried out their assigned tasks through conducting patrols at sea, and reported over 10 sources of information about behaviors affecting aquatic resources in assigned areas.

Reporting by NGOC PHUONG - Translating by M.DUNG
