
Da Nang lifeguards do well!

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 28, 2023, 18:06 [GMT+7]

Regularly from 4:30 a.m. every day, a large number of lifeguards from the the Da Nang Management Board of Son Tra Peninsula and Da Nang tourist beaches begin the task of protecting the absolute safety of swimmers who are local residents and tourists.  

Lifeguards strive to ensure the ultimate safety of swimmers
Lifeguards strive to ensure the ultimate safety of swimmers

Along the beaches of Da Nang, regardless of whether it is sunny or rainy, you will see the image of the staff of the rescue team working hard with a high sense of responsibility and dedication. Dressed in red shirts and yellow pants, they start their work at dawn by swimming out to sea to place flags in dangerous areas, then return to shore to watch over swimmers.

During the monitoring process, if they detect a case of swimming outside the safe area, they will blow a warning whistle so that people can return to the shore. In the peak tourist season, the number of people swimming in the sea increases dramatically, they have to be on duty for 10 hours, sometimes 12 hours per day to ensure absolute safety at Da Nang beaches.

In addition, to minimize risks, the rescue team always creates safe bathing areas by day and hour to bring safety and peace of mind for visitors. Mr. Darcy, an Australian tourist expressed that the rescue team is very responsible. They are always focused on observing people and ready to respond when needed. Thanks to their bravery, loals and tourists here can rest assured to have fun swimming time.

Mai Thanh Chung, the vice captain of the rescue team said: “Da Nang is starting to enter the summer tourist season. It is concerning that some tourists coming to beaches are often subjective and have little understanding of safety rules. On days when sea waves were strong and windy, we hung a sign banning swimming. Despite warnining, many people did not wear life jackets but kept swimming far away. In this case, we were forced to swim out to bring them ashore and demand strict compliance with the regulations.”

Although the lifeguards receive an income of VND 5 million - 7 million per month, for them, rescue is no longer a mere profession. Actually it is karma, showing responsibility to the whole community. Marine rescue is a special job, because they have to be both good swimmers and have expertise in first aid and on-site resuscitation for those in danger.

Lifeguards work hard with a high sense of responsibility and dedication
Lifeguards work hard with a high sense of responsibility and dedication
The notice of swimming times is placed at a beach
The notice of swimming times is placed at a beach

Reporting by VIET THANG, THU LE - Translating by A.THU
