
Passionate and enthusiastic Youth Union member

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 24, 2023, 17:35 [GMT+7]

Not only being enthusiastic and responsible for the union work, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Secretary of the Thanh Khe Dong ward-based Youth Union in Thanh Khe district, has also spread her enthusiasm to many youth union local members, attracting them to participate in many activities.

Nguyen Ngoc Anh gave gifts to disadvantaged children during a volunteer trip in Quang Nam Province.
Nguyen Ngoc Anh gave gifts to disadvantaged children during a volunteer trip in Quang Nam Province.

Anh is always aware of her role as a youth leader and tries to learn experience through many diverse activities and movements organized to attract young people to participate in the work. Even though she is a mother having a small child, Anh still does not mind working hard for the Union regardless of hours and difficulties.

Actually, she has always been concerned about how to maintain and develop the local Youth Union movement and arouse enthusiasm and dedication in young people. She has successfully directed the organization of a number of forums and the program "Youth Union’s Day" to create a playground for Youth Union’s members in the ward to exchange and learn helpful knowledge about law, island, sea, and youth union regulation.

Every year, in adherence to the principle of "remembering the source when drinking water," Anh and members of the youth union organize incense offerings at the Martyrs' Memorial House and the 'Mother Nhu and 7 Thanh Khe Heroes' Memorial House to honour the heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the independence and freedom of our country. Additionally, they visit and present gifts, each worth  VND500,000, to 2 former young volunteers having challenging circumstances.

The young woman has also well implemented the "Mother, we are always by your side" model to take care of the altar, pay visits, have conversations with and give gifts to the heroic Vietnamese Mother Tran Thi Thu.

In order to have funds to organize numerous activities, Anh has called for the support of donors, and at the same time successfully organized many charity programs to support ethnic minorities in remote areas such as "Warm spring border", "Warm spring village" with a total campaign budget of over VND500 million.

On the occasion of the annual Lunar New Year, Anh and the Executive Committee of the ward-based Youth Union have organized the program "23-hour Spring ", giving 20 gifts to environmental sanitation workers in the city with a total budget of more than VND10 million.

In 2022, Anh has strengthened the "Voluntary Blood Donation" club attracting more than 30 youth union members in the ward. In addition, she also regularly propagates and mobilizes young people to participate in blood donation, especially emergency blood and platelet donation

On an annual basis, Anh and more than many youth union members have also supported during “exam seasons” at Thai Phien Senior High School to help candidates, their parents, and functional forces to maintain traffic order at the school gate, and provide drinking water, milk and learning tools for candidates.

The Thanh Khe Dong ward-based Youth Union has also effectively implemented the model "Volunteer Saturday" and directly participated with the youth union members to support people in administrative procedures.

As a Secretary of the Ward Youth Union, Anh successfully organized the program to see off the military enlisted men to join the army and organized the admission ceremony to the Youth Union for 24 young men who were going to participate in the military service. In addition, she directed members to visit and give gifts to encourage young people, who join the army to serve the country, and their families.

Also, she has regularly searched for units in need of finding partners to organize events, shoot videos, and do reportage in order to create conditions for the Ward Youth Communication Team to earn more income for youth union members who have passion in the field of media. In addition, she has regularly directed the propaganda of the Party's and the government's legal guidelines and policies to the youth in the ward.

Moreover, Anh cooperates with local supermarkets, companies as well as restaurants and cafes to create favourable conditions to support employment for youth union members in the ward.

Besides, she successfully organized a mini football tournament to create a playground for the Union's cadres, strengthen health training and solidarity among the unions, and regularly organizes aerobic dance and flashmob exercises for youth union members. Also, she organizes refresher training in information technology skills and using the internet for youth union members in the ward, helping the union members learn more about image editing software, design propaganda publications and advertising.

Nguyen Ngoc Anh is the Youth Union cadre who always takes the lead, and innovates the movement activities of the Youth Union and is an example for local youth union members to follow.

Reporting by THIEN NGA- Translating by T.VY
