
Trapped mink rescued

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 03, 2023, 15:58 [GMT+7]

A mink with its leg caught in an animal trap on Da Nang’s Son Tra Peninsula has been promptly rescued by a group of ecological photographers.

A man removing a trap to save the wild mink
A man removing a trap to save the wild mink

While taking photos on the peninsula on April 1, the group of photographers heard the cries of animals right in the grass along the road near the Tien Sa Port on the Son Tra Peninsula. When they approached, they saw a mink caught in an animal trap. They immediately removed the trap and released the trapped wildlife back into the natural environment.

Mr. H.S. - the person who directly saved the mink, said that a large number of traps used for hunting wild animals have been reported on the Son Tra Peninsular. He hoped that the functional forces will take specific measures to solve the above problem.

After receiving the information, the Son Tra - Ngu Hanh Son Inter-District Forest Protection Department sent functional forces to the scene, detecting a number of other traps.

The process of removing the trap is very careful in order to limit damage to the mink
The process of removing the trap is very careful in order to limit damage to the mink

Mr. Ngo Truong Chinh, Head of the Son Tra - Ngu Hanh Son Inter-District Forest Protection Department, highly praised the group of photographers for their timely and responsible action in saving the trapped animal. He took the opportunity to call on people to join hands with the municipal government to protect the ecosystem of the peninsula.

Most recently, Facebook account ‘Kim Lien’ informed that he found a monkey caught in a trap while he was taking photos of brown-shanked douc langurs on the Son Tra Peninsula. However, he could not help the trapped money because the animal immediately climbed to a tall tree when seeing people.

Reporting by L.B, K.LIEN - Translating by M.DUNG
