
Da Nang Border Guards support students from poor families to achieve their dreams

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 06, 2023, 20:05 [GMT+7]

In recent days, border guard stations across Da Nang have joined forces with local organizations to give gifts and grant scholarships to students in difficult circumstances in order to motivate and encourage them to get good results in their studies.

Officers and men of the Non Nuoc Border Guard Station giving a cash gifts to a poor student. Photo: KIM NGAN
Officers and men of the Non Nuoc Border Guard Station giving a cash gifts to a poor student. Photo: KIM NGAN

In late August 2023, officers and men of the Non Nuoc Border Guard Station organized a scholarship award ceremony for Huynh Le Hoang Bao Nhu who is a tenth grader of the Le Quy Don High School for the Gifted, and is residing in Hoa Hai Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District.

After receiving a meaningful gift from the Non Nuoc Border Guard Station, Nhu emotionally said: "I would like to thank the border guards for regularly visiting and encouraging me and my family to overcome difficulties in life, as well as helping me further my studies to go a long way, and make my dream come true."

Nhu's family is living in poverty. In addition, her family finds life more difficult as Nhu's younger brother is suffering from a congenital heart disease. Therefore, the timely support of border guards helped her family thrive.

Along with fufilling their assigned task of firmly protecting territorial sovereignty and national border security, and the city’s coastal border area located in ​​Ngu Hanh Son District in particular, officers and men of the Non Nuoc Border Guard Station have been also played a crucial role in promoting the local socio-economic development, as well as have implemented effectively their programs, including ‘Helping Poor Children’s Education’ and ‘Adopted children of the Border Guard Station’ over recent years. Three school pupils who are from poor families or have lost both parents and become orphaned have been adopted from the Border Guard staff under the ‘Adopted children of the Border Guard Station’ program. Each adopted child now receives financial support valued at VND 500,000  per month.

Also in August, the Hai Van Border Guard Station organized a meeting and gave gifts to 11 poor students under its programs namely ‘Helping Poor Children’s Education’ and ‘Adopted children of the Border Guard Station’ with the funds raised from its staff to mark the start of the new academic year. Each student received a gift which consisted of VND one million VND in cash and one moon cake.

Pham Tan Phuoc, an eleventh grader of the Lien Chieu Senior High School who is among gift recipients, remarked: “My parents have passed away, now I live with my grandmother and older sister. Over the past 5 years, I have received both material and spiritual support from the border guards, thereby motivating me to study hard in order to rise up and achieve my dreams."

Over the past years, the Hai Van Border Guard Station has provided timely and practical support for disadvantaged children in Lien Chieu District in efforts to help them feel secure to study hard to have a better future and improve their families’ living conditions, as well as become a good citizen, and play their part in driving the growth of their hometown, and their country as a whole.

To mark the start of the 2023-2024 academic year and this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, the city’s Border Guards gave 53 gifts worth VND 56.7 million in total to disadvantaged students and those living under very difficult circumstances who are residing in the city's coastal border area. Currently, a combined total of 41 children are receiving regular monthly financial support from the city’s Border Guards  under their programs namely ‘Helping Poor Children’s Education’ and ‘Adopted children of the Border Guard Station’.

Colonel Nguyen Thanh Thuy, the Deputy Political Commissar of the City’s Border Guard, highlighted the significance of the two programmes in showing the attachment and closer union among Border Guard officers and soldiers, the municipal government and local people, as well as spread humanity and love. He also said that these programmes aimed to give disadvantaged children more strength to strive for excellence in studying.

The positive results from the two programs have been attributed to joint efforts made by the city’s Border Guards and relevant units. Till date, these programs have helped thousands of disadvantaged students to make their dreams come true, contributing to developing qualified human resources for the city, as well as building the firm postures of people’s determination, all-people national defence and people's security to lay groundwork for the cause of national defence, in order to firmly protect the country’s sovereignty over sea and islands.

Reporting by KIM NGAN – Translating by H.L
