
Journey of kindness

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 18, 2023, 19:59 [GMT+7]

Over the past 20 years, the programme to provide free treatment for poor children with congenital heart problems, implemented by the Da Nang Association for Supporting Poor and Disadvantaged Women and Children, has benefited thousands of children. The programme is a reliable support for poor families, giving wings to the dreams and ambitions of unfortunate children.

A kid undergoing a free screening test for the early detection of congenital heart complaints
A kid undergoing a free screening test for the early detection of congenital heart complaints in Hoa Vang District

Previously, when children were diagnosed with congenital heart disease, they were taken to hospitals in Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh City for treatment. Patients had to register and wait many months to have surgery.

Without the Association's help and financial support, poor families have no chance of being treated because the treatment costs are too expensive.

Therefore, the Association decided to establish the Management Board and build a programme to treat congenital heart disease for poor, unfortunate children with the motto "All children with congenital heart disease must be treated timely".

The Association and departments of Health, and Education and Training signed a joint plan to implement a programme to provide free screening test for poor children aged under 18 for early detection of congenital heart complaints. The programme has promptly detected many cases of serious diseases.

After nearly 20 years of implementation, 753 free screening tests for the early detection of congenital heart complaints have been offered to 515,861 children. Through examinations, 2,340 children have been diagnosed with congenital heart disease. Free surgery has been provided with to 1,377 heart-problem children, at a total cost of more than VND57 billion.

During that period, the programme has always received close direction and enthusiastic support from the municipal Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Fatherland Front Committee, and individuals and businesses inside and outside the city, Mr. Huynh Van Hoa, Chairman of the Association, noted.

To promote the achieved results, the programme to treat congenital heart disease for poor and unfortunate children will continue to be implemented for children aged from 1 - 18 in the time to come.  It continues to be a noble humanitarian programme, helping many children overcome difficulties to continue writing their unfinished dreams, Mr. Hoa added.

Reporting by PHAN CHUNG - Translating by M.DUNG
