
Da Nang speeds up anti-flooding projects

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 29, 2023, 10:14 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang People's Committee has just issued Official Dispatch No. 7450/UBND-SXD dated December 26, 2023, assigning departments, branches, and localities to implement drainage and flood prevention solutions in the city.

In addition to the regularly deployed tasks, in the immediate future, the municipal People’s Committee will direct project management boards to coordinate with district-level authorities to speed up the progress of drainage and flood prevention projects in the city.

These projects will include sewer lines between Xuan Ha and Tam Thuan wards; improving drainage systems on Hung Vuong and Ly Thai To streets; Northwest axis No.1 route (a section from Ho Tung Mau Street to National Highway 1A Intersection); the main drainage line to Bau Sau Lake; and Khe Can sewer line.

The municipal People's Committee will request project management boards, units, and relevant localities to soon deploy a number of drainage and flood prevention items, works and projects.

Specifically, the Da Nang Management Board of Priority Infrastructure Investment Projects will urgently preside and coordinate with the municipal Department of Construction and related units to propose investment policies to purchase additional pumps, backup generators and equipment to serve the work of preventing urban flooding.

The focus will be on soon starting the construction of a bridge on Nguyen Nhan Street at the location across Phong Bac Canal to solve regional flooding; upgrading and expanding sewer lines along road No.4 at the Hoa Khanh Industrial Park; and assessing the current state of the drainage system near Truong Son Street.

Heed also will be on carrying out drainage projects inside and outside of Da Nang International Airport.

In the process of preparing zoning plans and specialised plans for ground elevation and surface water drainage, priority will be given to reserving land funds to arrange flood drainage corridors, form regulating lakes and increase the area of green corridors and urban green areas, and minimise the use of concrete if not absolutely necessary.

At the same time, a number of main drainage solutions will be proposed, including the main drainage route along Tran Dinh Tri and Phung Hung streets to the Da Nang Bay to reduce the load on Phu Loc River; limiting flooding in Hoa Khanh Bac and Hoa Khanh Nam wards in Lien Chieu District; main drainage route south of Da Nang International Airport to Cam Le River (or Do Xu Lake) to reduce the load on the sewer line along Le Kim Lang Street to Phong Bac Canal; and reducing flooding in Hoa Tho Dong Ward, Cam Le District.

Reporting by HOANG HIEP - Translating by M.DUNG
