
Facilitating women to access capital

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 23, 2023, 17:40 [GMT+7]

On Friday, the Management Council of the Development Support Fund for Women held a conference to review the results of implementing the fund for the 2011-2023 period.

Vice President of the Da Nang Women's Union Nguyen Thi Huyen (middle) awarding Certificates of Merit to the groups. Photo: X.D
Vice President of the Da Nang Women's Union Nguyen Thi Huyen (middle) awarding Certificates of Merit to the groups. Photo: X.D

Since 2011, with the loan - gradual recovery method to disburse capital and revolve capital, the fund has established 1,743 savings credit groups. 15,518 turns of poor households, and near-poor and disadvantaged women have accessed to small credits - unsecured loans with a total amount of nearly VND300 billion.

Over the past 10 years, the fund has organised 1,717 loan communication sessions for savings and loan credit groups to help borrowers clearly understand the goals, meaning, operating regulations and loan condition. Also, 41 training courses on capital management skills and guidance on records and books have been provided for nearly 3,000 women.

To continue promoting the effectiveness of the fund's operations, the Executive Board of the Development Support Fund for Women has developed a project "Consolidating the organisation and operation of the Development Support Fund for Women" and sending it to the municipal People's Committee for consideration. This, thereby, creates a legal corridor consistent with the current mechanism and the "Association organization development strategy until 2025 with a vision to 2035".

On this occasion, the Management Council of the Fund awarded Certificates of Merit to 8 groups and 7 individuals who excellently completed the implementation of fund management during the 2011-2023 period.

Reporting by THIEN DUYEN - Translating by M.DUNG
