
Photo contest about traffic culture in Da Nang concludes

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 08, 2023, 16:16 [GMT+7]

On Thursday, the Da Nang Department of Culture and Sports coordinated with the municipal Traffic Safety Committee, and the city’s Art Photography Association, together judged a photo contest about traffic culture in Da Nang in 2023.

The jury judges photos for the  photo contest about  2023 Da Nang Traffic Culture. Photo: X.D
The jury judges photos for the photo contest about 2023 Da Nang Traffic Culture. Photo: X.D

After nearly 2 months of launching, the contest’s organisers received 215 valid entries, including 14 collections of photos and 201 single photos.

In general, most of the entries were diverse and creative in perspective, context, vehicles and characters, relatively fully reflecting the traffic situation of Da Nang. In particular, there were many amazing photos of people's awareness about road safety and preventing accidents, and those of traffic police force on duty.

In the end, 51 outstanding photos were selected to display, and each of them received royalty support of VND500,000. These photos will be used to serve the city's political, social, propaganda and publishing tasks

Also, the judge gave out one First prize of VND10 million in cash, two Second prizes of VND7 million each, three Third prizes of VND5 million each, and five Consolation prizes of VND2 million each.

The closing and awards ceremony of the contest, and the exhibition of outstanding photos, are slated to take place on December 22.

Reporting by X.DUNG - Translating by M.DUNG
