
Positive transformations of Hoa Xuan Ward in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 30, 2023, 17:32 [GMT+7]

Hoa Xuan Ward, Cam Le District, was once a "flood-prone" area of Da Nang, often deeply submerged during heavy rains. Some years even saw floods surpassing roof levels, making life, daily activities, and travel for residents extremely challenging and difficult. However, just after 15 years of urban renovation, Hoa Xuan Ward has completely changed, with significant investments in comprehensive infrastructure and the emergence of interconnected high-rise buildings. The living standards of residents have noticeably improved, and the number of impoverished households has significantly decreased.

The appearance of Hoa Xuan urban area has changed. Photo: P.C
The appearance of Hoa Xuan urban area has changed. Photo: P.C

Cam Le District in general and Hoa Xuan Ward in particular have completely "transformed" compared to more than 15 years ago. Many residents who return to their hometown after a long absence cannot help but be astonished by the rapid and dramatic changes in this once poor and challenging region.
Daily lives transforming each day

Mr Tran Thanh Bang, born in Con Dau, Hoa Xuan, Cam Le District, has experienced a difficult childhood and witnessed the rapid changes in his homeland. His hometown used to be a poor area where residents mainly engaged in agriculture, leading challenging lives. Bang was impressed when revisiting his hometown and witnessing the sudden transformation from small dusty roads and flooded streets to the modern and impressive scene it is today. He feels touched and happy about the positive changes in the lives of the people and the homeland.

Similarly, Mr Nguyen Tan Duong, a native of Con Dau, Hoa Xuan, Cam Le District, shared the hardships of the past on his land. This area used to be dark and challenging, with people relying on farming, animal husbandry, and oil lamps. Limited transportation infrastructure meant that during heavy rains, residents faced flooding, and during storms, transportation relied entirely on boats. Children had to attend village schools, with a journey of nearly 10km.

"If the city had not timely invested in projects, building the ecological urban area of Hoa Xuan, it would have taken a long time for the residents to experience the present. Before the relocation, many people in the area had to struggle for every meal. Now things are different; people have comfortable homes, and everyone has a prosperous life in solid, tall houses. Living in this civilized and modern environment, with economic well-being as it is now, our people are very delighted," Mr. Duong smilingly said.

Urban facelift: civilized and modern

In the past, the Hoa Xuan area faced isolation and difficulties during the flood season, with people relying on boats and ferries for transportation, leading to extremely challenging living conditions. In 2008, Da Nang decided to invest in 11 projects in Hoa Xuan Ward, aiming to relieve the area and rebuild it. Before the relocation and relief efforts, transportation between Hoa Xuan and other areas mainly involved shaky ferry rides on the Cam Le River, with roads being rocky dirt paths.

However, everything has changed now, and the old ferry terminals exist only in memories. In their place, bridges like Hoa Xuan, Nguyen Tri Phuong, Cam Le, have made connections with other areas much more convenient. Hoa Xuan Ward now boasts a modern and well-connected urban appearance.

The residents of Hoa Xuan have escaped from the dire situation, with the ferry crossing being a thing of the past. They now enjoy many modern amenities in well-planned urban areas with a comprehensive system of roads, electricity, schools, stations, and communal public structures. In just 15 years, Hoa Xuan has undergone a complete transformation, replacing dirt roads, ponds, and flooded fields with spacious roads and impressive high-rise buildings.

Hoa Xuan is one of the city's wards without alleys or small paths, with even the narrowest road being 5.5 meters wide. This reflects the appropriate strategy of expanding the city's southern space, creating a new and modern urban appearance. Particularly, the sight of people paddling boats every rainy season is no longer a common occurrence.

Ms Pham Thi Nhan, Head of the People's Mobilization Board of Cam Le District, stated that residents responded positively, and life in Hoa Xuan has stabilized, with many households significantly improving compared to before. Floods no longer occur, and the learning conditions for children, as well as travel for residents, have become very convenient. Overall, at the present time, the lives of the people in Hoa Xuan Ward have stabilized, with many households in a better condition than before.

Reporting by PHUONG CHI - TRI DUNG- Translating by T.VY
