
Residents' lives in Hoa Xuan Ward change after redevelopment

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 31, 2023, 19:30 [GMT+7]

After Da Nang’s authorities implemented policies on redevelopment, compensation, and urban renewal, not only did the cityscape undergo significant change, but the lives of residents in Cam Le District in general, and Hoa Xuan Ward in particular, also improved considerably. This positive transformation was largely due to the benefits derived from the favorable policies implemented by the city.

Life of Mr. Nguyen Tan Duong's family has been becoming more stable. Photo: P.C.
Life of Mr. Nguyen Tan Duong's family has been becoming more stable. Photo: P.C.

A more stable life now

From a poor, muddy, flood-prone rural area, Hoa Xuan has undergone a remarkable transformation. Today, wide and spacious roads have been opened up, whilst tall buildings and a modern, airy urban space have been created. This serves as evidence of a significant shift, turning Hoa Xuan from a low-lying area into a vibrant locale.

As one of the pioneers in Con Dau, Hoa Xuan Ward, to implement the relocation and resettlement initiative, a 73 year-old man does not hide her joy in the face of the changes in her homeland. With the evacuation and resettlement, she has transitioned from living in challenging conditions to a more comfortable and secure life.

"Moving to the new, elevated residence with sturdy houses and spacious roads has brought great comfort and no more worries. In the past, every rainy season brought anxiety as our home was vulnerable to flooding" she said.

Having lived for nearly 60 years in the Con Dau area, the woman understands the hardships and challenges that the local residents had to face. Before the resettlement, life for her and the community was extremely difficult, with floods preventing adults from going to work and students from attending school. Her family, primarily engaged in farming and livestock, struggled to make ends meet. Every heavy rain brought worries about livestock and poultry losses that were inevitable.

However, thanks to the resettlement, she has escaped the hardships of daily survival. No longer does she have to deal with farming work in the fields or worry about livestock. Resettlement has provided her with a more stable and secure life.

Not only Mrs. C, but many residents in Cam Le District and Hoa Xuan Ward, believe that family life has completely changed after the resettlement to the new area. When comparing the old and new areas, there is a stark difference with many aspects of life significantly improved. This is not to mention the comprehensive and modern investment in infrastructure, electricity, roads, schools, and stations in the new area.

Residents are excited

The formation of streets has provided convenience for the locals to make a living right on their homeland to have a stable income.

A man, formerly residing in the old Lo Giang area, mentioned that after the state resettlement, with allocated land, his family's life has stabilized, their house is well-maintained, and their children are pursuing education diligently. Instead of engaging in agriculture, the family has opened a shop for his wife's daily trading. Meanwhile, he has invested with acquaintances to expand land outside the family for business purposes.

With more people moving to live in Hoa Xuan Ward, eateries and businesses are sprouting up like mushrooms, providing favorable conditions for many entrepreneurs. In the past, many people left their hometowns to earn a living, now finding a source of income in their own homeland is much more convenient. With diligence and hard work, living well is entirely achievable.

Since Cam Le District in general and Hoa Xuan Ward in particular became prosperous areas, not only local residents but also people and businesses from various places have flocked here to live and invest in factories and companies, completely changing the rhythm of life. Commercial and service establishments have sprung up like mushrooms, creating favorable conditions for local residents to develop a stable and sustainable economy.

Mr. Ngo Ngoc Hau, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Cam Le District, acknowledged that the lives of people in Cam Le District in general, and Hoa Xuan Ward in particular, have undergone significant changes compared to the past. In the new, civilized, and modern urban lifestyle, local residents have actively received support from various levels of city authorities to transition occupations, access preferential loans, and address employment issues, aiming to help them develop their economy and ensure a better quality of life.

Additionally, there has been comprehensive investment in cultural facilities, gradually enhancing the cultural and spiritual lives of the residents, he added.

Reporting by PHUONG CHI - TRI DUNG- Translating by T.VY
