
Da Nang launches a campaign to create more green spaces for manufacturing businesses

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 29, 2024, 11:51 [GMT+7]

At the launching ceremony of the annual "Forever Grateful to Uncle Ho" Tree Planting Festival on February 17, Mr. Le Van Dai, the Vice Chairman of the Da Nang Confederation of Labour launched a campaign to create more green spaces for manufacturing businesses operating in the city.

Leaders of local departments and agencies participated in the Da Nang Confederation of Labour-launched tree planting campaign. Photo: P.NGUYEN
Leaders of local departments and agencies participated in the Da Nang Confederation of Labour-launched tree planting campaign. Photo: P.NGUYEN

"To create the most favourable conditions for manufacturing businesses to follow the green manufacturing definition correctly, the city's trade unions at all levels are ready to provide green trees for them," Mr. Le Van Dai said.

Since 2021, the Da Nang Confederation of Labour along with local relevant agencies have been active in responding to the annual Tree Planting Festival, contributing to achieving the city’s goal of planting 5 million trees, as well as realizing the country’s ambitions of planting 1 billion trees nationwide by the end of 2025.

To achieve these goals and ensure success for the city, and the country as whole, all officials, trade union members, and employees in the city will be engaged with planting trees, not only in the spring but also throughout the year with the goal of "Greening your office - Greening your own work corner" .

In 2022, the Municipal Confederation of Labour assigned the Trade Union Organization of the Da Nang Hi-Tech Park and Industrial Parks to launch a campaign to encourage active participation of manufacturing businesses located in industrial parks in planting trees on their premises.

Accordingly, businesses that were in need of planting trees could register with the Trade Union Organization of the Da Nang Hi-Tech Park and Industrial Parks for tree support. However, according to Mr. Le Van Dai, at that time, the number of registrations was still limited and lower than expected. Currently, many businesses are starting to hop for green manufacturing practices, so they are paying more attention to planting trees. Therefore, the Municipal Confederation of Labour will continue its efforts to support manufacturing businesses that need help.

Recently, the Municipal Confederation of Labour has launched many meaningful activities to engage a large number of trade union members and employees in creating green spaces for their residential areas, thereby contributing to beautifying the city, and protecting the environment. Including were encouraging active involvement of public sector workers in planting and caring for at least 1 tree at their workplace, setting up self-managed worker groups for green, clean, and beautiful boarding houses, green, clean and beautiful businesses, and the "Urban Gardening" movement.

2024 is the year of acceleration, breakthroughs and determination with planting more trees to create more green spaces for Da Nang, contributing to making Viet Nam "a truly green country".

The above-mentioned movements have helped inspire actions, and drive positive change in trade union members, including public sector and private sector employees by raising their awareness about planting trees, creating forests, and protecting the environment. Trade union members across the city consider tree planting to be both a goal and a requirement for the city’s sustainable development, as well as an urgent task, and a particularly important strategic policy of the city in its revolutionary cause that showcases a profound sense of humanity.

At the launching ceremony of the annual "Forever Grateful to Uncle Ho" Tree Planting Festival on February 17, leaders of the municipal departments and agencies, specialized trade union officials, along with 200 trade union members and workers from affiliated trade unions at all levels participated in planting 1,000 trees at vacant lots located along Bau Tram Lake, Street 7, Hoa Khanh Industrial Park. The types of trees grown were nacre, dracontomelon and longan. These are woody plants suitable for planting along lakes and rivers to protect the environment in a bid to improve the city’s landscape and cope with climate change, contributing to driving the city’s socio-economic development, and bringing great benefits to trade union members, including industrial workers.

“Planting trees must be practical and effective, not showy and wasteful while protecting the environment with the goal of greening the offices and working corners. After being planted, the trees will be cared for and watered until they are alive. We will hand over these planted trees to the Da Nang Industrial Zone Infrastructure Development and Exploit Company for management after 2 months of planting," Mr. Dai emphasized.

Reporting by P.NGUYEN – Translating by H.L
