
Handover of two specialized medical projects in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 27, 2024, 17:30 [GMT+7]

On Tuesday, the Da Nang People's Committee held a handover ceremony and put into use two projects of the Centre for Neurosurgery, Trauma and Plastic Burns and the Centre of Organ and Stem Cell Transplant at the Da Nang General Hospital. Attendance at the event were Da Nang Party Committee Secretary, Head of the city's National Assembly Deputies' delegation Nguyen Van Quang, Chairman of the Da Nang People’s Committee Le Trung Chinh; Chairman of the Da Nang Committee of Viet Nam Fatherland Front of Ngo Xuan Thang and Vice Chairwoman of the Da Nang People’s Council Nguyen Thi Anh Thi.

Da Nang Party Secretary Nguyen Van Quang (left) present flowers to congratulate the Da Nang General Hospital team upon receiving the two specialised medical projects. Photo: PHAN CHUNG
Da Nang Party Secretary Nguyen Van Quang (left) present flowers to congratulate the Da Nang General Hospital team upon receiving the two specialised medical projects. Photo: PHAN CHUNG

Addressing the handover ceremony, Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang congratulated the city’s health sector, and the Da Nang General Hospital in particular, on putting the two specialised medical treatment centers into operation. This contributes to enhancing the quality of healthcare, in line with the city's development orientation in accelerating the quality of medical examination, treatment and people’s health care.

Secretary Quang highly appreciated: “The putting into use of the two specialized medical centres on the occasion of Vietnamese Doctor's Day is extremely meaningful, affirming that the city’s health sector has been continuously innovating and improving the quality of examination and treatment of diseases, making Da Nang the leading medical hub in the region, serving the health care needs of the people. In order to effectively operate the two projects, the city’s health sector, and the Da Nang General Hospital in particular, need to continue to implement policies to attract and train high-quality human resources. It is necessary to develop a specialised medical team, improve personnel quality, add equipment appropriate to each field and expertise”.

 The signing ceremony of the handover of two key medical projects between the Da Nang Urban Development and Infrastructure Construction Investment Project Management Board and the Da Nang General Hospital. Photo: PHAN CHUNG
The signing ceremony of the handover of two key medical projects between the Da Nang Urban Development and Infrastructure Construction Investment Project Management Board and the Da Nang General Hospital. Photo: PHAN CHUNG

It is known that these are two key medical projects, approved for investment by the Da Nang People's Committee in 2019, with a total cost of nearly VND1,000 billion. The Da Nang Infrastructure Construction Investment and Urban Development Project Management Board is the investor and project manager.

The neurosurgery, trauma and burn surgery centre includes two basement floors, 11 aboveground floors, one technical floor, covering a usable floor area of 23,402m2, with about 407 beds. The centre provides extensive and intensive treatment of cranial nerve diseases, spinal nerves, upper limb injuries, lower limb injuries, plastic burns combined with rehabilitation training within the same system. The service treatment area requires spacious and modern conditions.

The Organ Transplant and Stem Cell Transplant Centre includes 2 basement floors, 11 aboveground floors, one technical floor, covering a usable floor area of 19,995m2, with about 422 beds. The completed centre aims to improve quality and soon apply high techniques in organ transplantation and stem cell transplantation. The centre has a modern operating room system, along with an organ transplant and stem cell transplant area, with equipment invested in international standards, meeting the increasing requirements in health care and treatment services. 

 Putting the two specialized medical centres into operation will contribute to improving medical quality and meeting the people's medical examination and treatment needs. Photo: PHAN CHUNG
Putting the two specialized medical centres into operation will contribute to improving medical quality and meeting the people's medical examination and treatment needs. Photo: PHAN CHUNG

According to Doctor Le Duc Nhan, the Director of the Da Nang General Hospital, after being put into use, the hospital will apply scientific and technological advances in medical examination and treatment, along with investing in a synchronous technical system and modern medical equipment. This helps the hospital promote its position as a specialised medical centre of Da Nang, and the Central Viet Nam and Central Highlands regions as a whole.

Once putting the two centres into operation, the hospital will develop some separate specialised departments and establish better specialised support units. This creates conditions for people in Da Nang and other central regional provinces to enjoy high-tech, advanced medical services without having to be treated at the northern and southern metropolises that are very far away from Da Nang, in order to reduce treatment costs. , reducing the burden on people.

Reporting by PHAN CHUNG - Translating by A. THU
