
Devoted couple's lifesaving blood donation commitment

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 11, 2024, 12:05 [GMT+7]

With the belief that "One drop of blood donated, one life saved", Mrs Nguyen Thi Ngoc Chau and Mr Thai Van Nhon, both 43 years old, residing in An Hai Dong Ward, Son Tra District, have donated blood more than 70 times.

Mr Thai Van Nhon participates in voluntary blood donation. Photo: PV
Mr Thai Van Nhon participates in voluntary blood donation. Photo: PV

Mrs Chau, born in Xuan Ha Ward, Thanh Khe District, started participating in local youth movements with enthusiasm and dedication at 15. Upon hearing the local Youth Union mobilizing members to donate blood, she eagerly signed up. She shared that at 19, when the blood donation movement was still not widespread, the Youth Union organisation in Thanh Khe District only organised 1 to 2 blood donation drives a year. She felt nervous and anxious, unsure if female members could participate or if donating blood would make her tired or affect her health. When the organisers called her name for blood donation, she felt a sense of pride and honour for doing something meaningful.

As shared by Mrs Chau, more than 20 years ago, many people did not fully understand the significance of voluntary blood donation and were concerned about its impact on health so she kept her blood donation activities a secret from her family. However, her mother eventually found out when she saw a television report featuring Chau donating blood. Her mother initially disapproved and forbade her from donating, but she had to explain and persuade her mother to accept it.

When Mrs Chau's mother was hospitalided and witnessed many patients in need of blood, she came to understand the importance and significance of blood donation. Since then, her mother encouraged and nourished Mrs Chau after each donation to ensure she had the strength to continue this meaningful activity. Her mother also promoted blood donation to neighbours, encouraging them to participate when there were campaigns.

Mrs Chau donates blood 3 to 4 times a year. In 2006, she joined the city's 25 Blood Donation Club to help critically ill or emergency patients and donated 40 units of blood from 2001 to 2013. She also encouraged her relatives, friends, and colleagues, including her younger sister, to donate blood.

Especially, Mrs Chau encouraged her husband, Mr Thai Van Nhon, to donate blood in 2010 when they were newly dating. He drove her to a donation site, and while waiting, she explained the process, significance, and benefits of blood donation. He then decided to try it once and has so far donated blood 3 to 4 times a year. Since 2010, Nhon has donated platelets more than 30 times.

Moreover, Mrs Chau frequently discusses blood donation with relatives and friends, using her own experience to encourage others. She explained that she used herself as proof that blood donation is safe and healthy, adding that if they ever fell ill and needed blood, they would rely on others donating. Her advocacy inspired many people to message her about donating blood and express their desire to join her.

At the annual review conference on emulation and commendation movements held on June 21, 2023, Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Le Trung Chinh was moved by the story of the couple's participation in blood donation shared by Mrs Chau at the conference. The Chairman emphasised that this is a beautiful act that needs to be promoted to spread among the people, especially the youth, contributing to the city's development.

Reporting by NGOC PHU - Translating by TRUC VY
