
Efforts made to support victim of AO

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 13, 2024, 17:56 [GMT+7]

Nearly half a century has passed since the war, but the lingering Agent Orange (AO) pains are still in many families and among many victims. Understanding this pain, over the past years, the Da Nang Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin has undertaken many practical activities to support families and victims facing difficulties, as well as care centre for victims of AO.

Mr. Tra Thanh Lanh (left, second), Vice President of the Da Nang Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin, presenting gifts to a family of AO victims.
Mr. Tra Thanh Lanh (left, second), Vice President of the Da Nang Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin, presenting gifts to a family of AO victims.

Mr. Tra Thanh Lanh, Vice President of the Da Nang Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin and Director of the Da Nang Detoxification and Rehabilitation Centre, stated that he and the centre's staff visit victims of AO facing difficulties and children being cared for at the Association's facilities daily.

According to Mr. Lanh, only by going to the victims' homes and interacting with each victim and family can one fully understand their circumstances and desires, thereby providing effective support, empathy, understanding, and sharing.

For this reason, for nearly 20 years, Mr. Lanh and the centre's staff have regarded these families and victims as "partners" and beloved family members, constantly seeking solutions and timely support to help them overcome the pain of illness and life difficulties with the spirit of "As long as there is strength, there is contribution" and "Giving is eternal".

The Association has also called on and mobilised individuals, organisations, and foreign benefactors to assist victims with gifts, money, and goods worth over VND 50 billion in total. From these funds, the Association has provided assistance and care to victims in their daily lives, education, labor, production, and gifts during holidays, such as regular support for 752 victims with a total amount of nearly VND 1.3 billion; providing gifts and cash for 74,000 victims with a total of over VND 22.5 billion; constructing and repairing 12 charity houses worth over VND 355 million; offering free medical examinations, medication, and emergency assistance for nearly 175 victims with a total of VND 1 billion; providing scholarships for 56 victims worth nearly VND 110 million; and supplying 55 wheelchairs and 20 bicycles worth over VND 100 million.

Additionally, rehabilitation equipment and tools have been provided for families of victims AO in difficult circumstances, totalling over VND 550 million.

Mr. Ngo Ngoc Tuan, living in Cam Ne Village, Hoa Tien Commune, Hoa Vang District, stated that his family has three AO-affected children. Thanks to the collective efforts of the Association, the family receives regular monthly allowance of nearly VND 1 million, and in 2023, the Association provided VND 10 million to help the family repair their house.

To contribute to the health care of victims, the Association collaborates with the School of Medicine and Pharmacy - the University of Da Nang to provide free medical examinations and medications for 310 victims worth VND 320 million; effectively care; nurture; and provide rehabilitation, vocational training, and cultural education for over 90 AO-affected children or the disabled at two semi-boarding care facilities, helping them stabilise their health and integrate into the community.

Mr. Tra Thanh Lanh mentioned that alongside building a strong Association, he and the staff will continue to appeal for benefactors and the community to effectively care for and assist victims through practical activities so that the Association truly becomes a reliable support, a "common home" for local victims of AO.

For his efforts and great devotion, Mr. Tra Thanh Lanh has received recognition from local and central authorities. However, for him, the greatest reward is being able to work, contribute to this cause, and see the victims happy and healthy.

Reporting by BAO AN, BAO LAM - Translating by TRUC VY
