
Learning to love and nurture love for homeland

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 26, 2024, 18:42 [GMT+7]

In an effort to educate the younger generation about patriotism and gratitude to the previous generations, recently, the youth of Hoa Hiep Nam and Hoa Hiep Bac wards in Lien Chieu District have collaborated with the War Veterans' Associations and the Military Commands of the two wards to implement several meaningful programmes, notably the “Political and Spiritual Activities” programme.

Listening to war veterans recount wartime stories last July at Hoa Hiep Martyrs' Cemetery.
War veterans recounting wartime stories at a meeting last July at Hoa Hiep Martyrs' Cemetery.

As shared by Mr. Tran To, Chairman of the Hoa Hiep Nam Ward-based Patriotic Prisoners' Association, through this activity, the children met living witnesses who have endured the trials of war and hardship to help our entire nation achieve victory. This helped them understand and strive to study and work to contribute to the building and protection of our homeland.

According to Ms Pham Tran Truc Mai, Secretary of the Youth Union organisation of Hoa Hiep Nam Ward through the programme, young people learned to cultivate their love for the homeland and discuss the current state of life skills, responsibility to oneself, family, and society. This helped them identify suitable goals for their efforts and develop their character to build a positive lifestyle.

At Hoa Hiep Martyrs' Cemetery, where 785 heroes rest, in a moving and solemn atmosphere, Lieutenant Colonel Tran Ngoc Doanh from the Special Forces Unit No. 471 made the discussion even more poignant by recounting his years of service, despite his poor health, in searching for and repatriating the remains of martyrs.

Among nearly 150 young participants including youth union members, youths, and local militia, Nguyen Anh Khoa, a member of the Youth Union organisation of Hoa Hiep Bac Ward, shared that he had previously participated in many meaningful programmes, but this “Political and Spiritual Activities” gave him a deeper understanding of local history through the stories of veteran soldiers.

According to Mr Duong Xuan Quang, Commander of the Hoa Hiep Nam-based Military Command, such programmes are very practical, helping the younger generation understand their responsibilities, especially in learning, cultivating morals, and resisting hostile propaganda.

“In recent years, the youth of these two localities have been very aware of their role in protecting the homeland. Many students, despite having stable jobs, still volunteer to enlist. This shows that such programmes have a positive impact on forming thoughtful, healthy lifestyles and community spirit among local youth,” Mr Quang further noted.

Reporting by M. AN - T. DUYEN - Translating by TRUC VY
