
Promoting the role of Da Nang youth in volunteer activities for the community

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 07, 2024, 19:07 [GMT+7]

Following the teaching of President Ho Chi Minh “Where there is a need, young people will appear; where there is difficult task, young people will do”, the youth in Da Nang have implemented many new models, good initiatives, and meaningful projects towards the community, thereby, effectively contributing to ensuring the city’s social welfare and promoting the city’s progress.

Youth Union members of the Hoa Vang District-based Medical Centre giving medical checkup to Heroic Vietnamese Mother Dang Thi Thanh in Hoa Tien Commune, Hoa Vang District. Photo: N.Q
Youth Union members of the Hoa Vang District-based Medical Centre giving medical checkup to Heroic Vietnamese Mother Dang Thi Thanh in Hoa Tien Commune, Hoa Vang District. Photo: N.Q

Spreading good deeds

“Voluntary blood donation” is one of the major movements, attracting a large number of people from all walks of life, in which the core force is the youth.

Since 2019, more than 124,554 young people citywide have donated 91,774 units of blood to supplement for the blood banks of local public hospitals.

Chairwoman of the Da Nang Youth Federation chapter in Hoa Vang District Nguyen Thi Giang Thuy said that with the message “Every drop of blood is given - a life is saved”, every year, hundreds of young people in the locality engaged in voluntary blood donation campaigns.

During the voluntary blood donation campaign in Hoa Vang District on July 14, more than 405 units of blood were collected from over 500 young people. These meaningful blood drops are a valuable source of life serving the emergency treatment of people.

In voluntary blood donation, many individuals are willing to share their warm blood to help patients. For example, Lieutenant Truong Dinh Viet, 38, an officer of the Logistics Division of the municipal Department of Public Security has donated blood more than 30 times, including 25 times donating platelets.

“Having AB+ blood which is quite rare in the community, I am aware of the importance of donating blood to save lives. In any situation, when a patient needs a sudden blood transfusion, I am always ready to support” Lieutenant Viet shared.

According to Deputy Head of the Da Nang Youth Federation’s Movement Committee Nguyen Dinh Thinh, over the past 5 years, environmental protection and climate change response activities have been widely organised across the city, drawing much attention from a large number of young people.

He added many good models and initiatives have been carried out by the municipal Youth Federation and its chapters at all levels, including "Residential areas classify plastic waste", "Second journey of tires", "Self-managed youth route - bright - green - clean - beautiful", "Youth mural street", and "Exchanging trash for gifts".

In addition, Youth Union members and young people citywide have got regularly involved in removing illegal advertisements and classified ads, contributing to protecting the street landscape. Also, dozens of green corners for youth and playgrounds for children have been created from recycled materials, bringing meaningful green spaces.

Every year, the municipal Youth Federation maintains 54 volunteer teams for flood and storm prevention in wards and communes. The volunteer force supports local authorities in evacuating property and people in natural disasters, and dealing with flood and storm consequences.

Despite the rainy and windy weather, the city's youth still made efforts to scoop water hyacinths to clear the drainage in Bau Tre area, Truoc Dong Village, Hoa Nhon Commune, Hoa Vang District in June 2024. Photo: X.D
Despite the rainy and windy weather, the city's youth still made efforts to scoop water hyacinths to clear the drainage in Bau Tre area, Truoc Dong Village, Hoa Nhon Commune, Hoa Vang District in June 2024. Photo: X.D

Enhancing the quality of volunteer activities

Since 2019, the local youth have carried out more than 20 mural streets across the city.

Vice Chairman of the Da Nang Youth Federation chapter of Hai Chau District Le Vien Thanh shared "The mural streets have greatly contributed to creating clean and beautiful landscapes on the streets, and raising awareness of the community about environmental protection. The activities are also an opportunity for Youth Union members and young people to show off their drawing skills and promote the spirit of volunteerism".

Upholding the noble tradition of “Paying gratitude” and “When you drink water, remember the source”, the city's youth regularly organise meaningful activities to care for Heroic Vietnamese Mothers, families of martyrs, war invalids, sick soldiers, and people with meritorious services to the revolution.

Every year, the municipal Youth Federation and its chapters survey social policy families in difficult circumstances to give gifts and financial support for the purpose of house repairs.

Currently, 74 Heroic Vietnamese Mothers are being cared for and supported by chapters of Youth Union and Youth Federation citywide.

Currently, the city's youth are effectively implementing volunteer campaigns such as building new-style rural areas and urban civilisation, preventing and fighting epidemics, ensuring traffic order and safety, and taking part in social welfare programmes.

Deputy Secretary of the municipal Youth Union cum Chairman of the city’s Youth Federation Nguyen Ba Duan said that through volunteer activities, young people have joined efforts with the city leaders to ensure social welfare and support the community. The youth volunteer movement is a dynamic environment for young people to experience, contribute and mature.

The city’s Youth Union and Youth Federation will continue to innovate and improve the quality of volunteer movements based on the reality, needs, aspirations and development trends of Youth Union members and young people, he added.

“In addition, we will regularly monitor and evaluate outstanding collectives and individuals in activities to motivate, encourage and reward them in recognition of their positive contributions for the community” Mr. Duan emphasised.

Reporting by XUAN DONG - Translating by M.DUNG
