
"Skillful mass mobilisation" at school

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 23, 2024, 17:14 [GMT+7]

For many years, Ms. Tran Nguyen Hien Giang, Chairwoman of the Labour Union at the Trung Vuong Junior High School based in Hai Chau District, has demonstrated her expertise in skillful mass mobilisation, significantly contributing to the school's social welfare initiatives.

The Trung Vuong Junior High School often carries out charity activities in mountainous districts of Quang Nam Province. Photo courtesy of character
The Trung Vuong Junior High School often carries out charity activities in mountainous districts of Quang Nam Province. Photo courtesy of character

Every year, the Trung Vuong Junior High School organises at least one charitable trip to semi-boarding ethnic minority schools in the mountainous districts of Dong Giang, Tay Giang, and Nam Tra My in Quang Nam Province. These charitable trips require meticulous preparation to ensure they reach the right people, at the right place, and at the right time.

Before each trip, Ms. Hien Giang proactively gathers information by directly contacting the leaders of the intended destinations, listening to what the pupils there want and need and ensuring all legal formalities with the local authorities are completed.

She then carefully plans the activities, estimates the funds and gifts required, and effectively mobilises resources through "Skillful Mass Mobilisation". Thanks to her dedication and meticulous approach, she successfully rallies the collective efforts of teachers, staff, students, parents, and benefactors to create substantial funding for these trips, with some raising nearly VND 500 million.

The charitable activities of the Trung Vuong Junior High School have long received support from various entities and individuals within and outside the school. This is largely due to the trust and support that Ms. Hien Giang has fostered. These trips have motivated and comforted the pupils at semi-boarding ethnic minority schools, enhanced the school's reputation, and helped spread the humanistic values of the Vietnamese people.

In addition to her charitable mobilisation, Ms. Tran Nguyen Hien Giang's efforts in blood donation drives also stand out. Understanding the profound humanitarian significance of "a drop of blood given, a life saved" Ms. Hien Giang, along with other teachers, has donated a total of 133 units of blood since 2018. During the 2023-2024 school year alone, she exceeded the target by over 300%, encouraging 27 union members to donate blood.

Ms. Hien Giang herself has been a leading figure in blood donation, having donated blood 14 times and receiving a commendation from the Chairman of Hai Chau District People's Committee. Her leadership and encouragement have inspired her colleagues to participate in blood donation, contributing to a stronger sense of solidarity and social responsibility within the school community.

In recent years, as Chairwoman of the Labour Union, Ms. Hien Giang has excelled in organising numerous activities that involve skillful mass mobilisation. When the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted traditional teaching and learning, Ms. Hien Giang initiated a campaign to donate eight tablets, worth nearly VND 40 million, to help students in need participate in online learning. During the 2022-2023 school year, the school's labour union, under her guidance, launched the " Soup for Children” programme at the Da Nang Maternity and Paediatrics Hospital, where they provided free meals and toys to hospitalised children.

The positive contributions of Ms. Hien Giang have significantly contributed to the success of the Trung Vuong Junior High School's Labour Union, which has received numerous accolades, including the Certificate of Merit from the Da Nang Labour Federation for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic years, the Emulation Flag from the Da Nang Labour Federation for the 2019-2020 school year, and a commendation from the Chairman of Hai Chau District People's Committee for the 2020-2021 academic year. On top of that, the school’s Labour Union has consistently achieved excellence for five consecutive years.

Reporting by Ms Tran Thi Hoa (Teacher at Trung Vuong Junior High School)

Translating by TRUC VY
