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The virtue of sacrifice deserves honour

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 02, 2025, 20:35 [GMT+7]

From time immemorial, the virtue of sacrifice has been inseparably linked to the image of Vietnamese women. As early as the first chapters of history in the resistance against Northern domination, the Trung Sisters set a shining example of heroines willing to lay down their lives for the nation’s cause and to avenge their families. During the wars against French colonial rule and American imperialism, countless mothers and wives silently swallowed their tears, offering their most beloved ones to the country. These women had to send their husbands and children off to fight the enemy one by one.... Perhaps, sacrifice itself is the most noble, sacred, and profound virtue that allows us to take pride in Vietnamese women—and for Vietnamese women to take pride in themselves.

Over time, as society has advanced, women have gradually stepped out of the kitchen to take on greater roles in social activities, showcasing their abilities across various fields. Many have risen to become politicians, artists, intellectuals, and successful entrepreneurs. With the growing establishment and reinforcement of gender equality, some perspectives have begun to challenge the notion of sacrifice in women, arguing that it is an unfair and cruel expectation. In reality, like all other aspects of life, the virtue of sacrifice in women should be viewed from multiple angles and understood in a more nuanced and multidimensional way.

Sacrifice is a noble virtue in life, not only for women but for anyone who lives on the Earth. It exists in many forms and degrees, from small acts to profound gestures—even to the extent of giving up one’s youth or life to protect loved ones, uphold justice, or fight for what is right. Those who embrace sacrifice earn the deep respect, love, and recognition of those around them.

People should understand this to see that sacrifice is not a woman’s duty. A happy family is not built on the sacrifices of the wife and mother alone. The mother also requires the husband and children to sacrifice and contribute to nurturing and preserving their home. Women now share the role of "building the house" alongside men. Thus, men, in turn, must also share in the work of "creating a home" with their wives.

In many cases, a wife holding a high-ranking position with a substantial income chooses to leave her job to dedicate herself entirely to her family, husband, and children. And she also finds joy and peace in her decision. Conversely, there are also instances where a husband willingly steps back to support his wife as she thrives in her professional and social role.

From an outsider’s perspective, these decisions may seem like a loss—a form of sacrifice that takes something away. However, for those involved, such choices might bring deeper meaning to their lives, where what they "gain" outweighs what they "lose." When sacrifice is viewed from multiple perspectives and is no longer an invisible burden placed solely on women, it remains a virtue to be cherished, respected, and upheld—regardless of the era or circumstance.

The movement against the notion of sacrifice in women likely stems from the reality that, in some places, women have been subjected to unfair treatment due to narrow-minded viewpoints of this virtue. Some believe that being a woman means enduring and tolerating all hardships—no matter the circumstances—even in the face of injustice or unhappiness within their own marriages.

The lingering effects of feudal beliefs, such as "a husband commands, a wife obeys", have at times forced women to endure silently and cater to those unworthy of their devotion. This is just simply to keep the family together for their children, to uphold their parents’ honor, or to preserve their own dignity. In such situations, women should see sacrifice as a choice to be weighed and decided upon, not as an unquestionable duty they must bear, especially against their will.

Moreover, as modern women living in an increasingly progressive society, it is essential not only to sacrifice wisely and rationally but also to make time for themselves—nurturing self-love, self-care, and personal growth. A truly happy family is one where all members, including the wife and mother, are loved and respected—not one where a woman is expected to sacrifice herself as an uncompromising obligation tied to her gender.

Ultimately, sacrifice is the most profound expression of a woman's love for those around her. However, it is only meaningful and valid when it comes from a place of genuine willingness and heartfelt devotion. Moreover, anyone who chooses to sacrifice must ensure that they do so with a sense of fulfillment and happiness. Undoubtedly, for all time, the virtue of sacrifice will always deserve recognition and honor.

Reporting by DO LAN HUONG – Translating by HONG VAN
