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Welcoming the birth of a child

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 10, 2025, 14:00 [GMT+7]

The sharp honk of a service car pierced the stillness of the midnight air. In the back seat, Nguyen Thi Minh Thu (born 1995), from Thạch Thang Ward, Hai Chau District, gripped her husband's hand tightly, her face contorted in pain. For the first time in her life, she was experiencing the most sacred and nerve-wracking journey—the journey of childbirth…

No matter how exhausting or painful the experience is, the moment a mother welcomes her child into the world remains the most sacred and unforgettable memory of her life. Photo: T.Y.
No matter how exhausting or painful the experience is, the moment a mother welcomes her child into the world remains the most sacred and unforgettable memory of her life. Photo: T.Y.

1. Ms. Thu shared that she had meticulously prepared for this childbirth. She had read hundreds of articles and watched countless instructional videos, yet nothing could have fully prepared her for what was about to happen. “Around 1 a.m., I started feeling sharp contractions. At first, it was just a dull ache, but gradually, the pain intensified and came more frequently. I shook my husband awake, my voice filled with panic: “I think… I’m going into labor!” Ms.Thu recalled.

Hearing his wife cry out in pain, Thu’s husband hurriedly grabbed his jacket and fumbled to call a taxi. Within just ten minutes, the car sped through the quiet streets, its horn piercing the silence as it rushed toward Da Nang Maternity and Pediatric Hospital. As soon as they arrived, Thư was immediately taken to the delivery room. The pain grew more intense with each passing moment. Doctors and nurses continuously encouraged her to breathe steadily, but the prolonged contractions drained her energy. "At that moment, the only thing on my mind was: When will this pain end? When will my baby finally be born?" she shared.

Under the soft yellow glow of the delivery room lights, time seemed to slow to the point where Thu could hear the ticking of the clock. "Now, follow the rhythm!" the midwife’s voice rang out. Gritting her teeth, Thư summoned all her strength to follow the doctor's instructions. As a first-time mother, the relentless contractions overwhelmed her, making it difficult to control her breathing, and leaving her flustered.

“At that moment, pain was no longer the only thing I felt. There was also anticipation, anxiety, and, above all, an overwhelming sense of longing. Every second felt like a battle—my breaths quickened, and my entire body tensed with each push. And then, the miraculous moment arrived. A tiny cry broke the silence. The instant the doctor placed my baby on my chest, the cool touch of that fragile little body against my skin brought tears to my eyes. My baby, whole and safe, nestled in my arms—a miracle after such a long and arduous journey,” Ms. Thu recalled, her voice trembling with emotion.

2. Many first-time mothers experience a whirlwind of emotions. Sitting in the hallway of the Maternity Ward at Da Nang Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital, Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan (born in 1993), a resident of An Hai Nam Ward, Son Tra District, appeared visibly anxious as the hospital staff called family members in to speak with the doctor. She recounted how she and her husband had initially hoped for a natural birth. They maintained a regular exercise routine and followed every piece of advice on diet and activities that could facilitate labor. However, after many hours of labor, the doctor determined that the baby had signs of mild heart failure and was at risk of suffocation if they continued to wait. “Hearing the doctor’s explanation, I felt both worried and disappointed. But above all, I knew that the most important thing was for my child to be born safe and healthy,” Ms. Lan affirmed.

In the waiting room, the on-call doctor decided to proceed with an emergency C-section to ensure both Ms. Lan and her baby’s well-being. She squeezed her husband’s hand tightly as she was wheeled into the operating room. There, the soft clinking of medical instruments and the steady hum of machines filled the air. Though she could feel the doctors' movements, the anesthesia had numbed all pain. Just minutes later, a baby’s cry rang out. Overwhelmed with emotion, Ms. Lan said, “At that moment, I was truly speechless. It felt as if a great weight had been lifted from my body. When the nurse brought my baby close, I saw those tiny eyes tightly shut, that rosy skin—and I knew my child had arrived safely into this world, even if only weighing 2.7 kilograms.”

Becoming parents is an emotional journey filled with countless feelings for young couples. Whether through natural birth or C-section, whether enduring pain or anxiety, the most precious moment is still the arrival of their child. In the maternity ward’s hallway, it wasn’t just the mothers experiencing nervous anticipation—family members, too, went through tense and emotional moments. Ms. Lan shared that her husband, usually strong and reserved with his emotions, couldn’t hold back his tears when he saw their daughter enter the world. He stood there in silence, eyes locked on their newborn, before turning to grip his wife’s hand tightly. It was the first time she had ever seen him cry.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hoang Van Dung (born in 1990) from Hoa Minh Ward, Lien Chieu District, shared that his wife had been admitted to the hospital the night before and had endured a long night of labor without giving birth. "I always thought childbirth was straightforward, but seeing my wife in pain for so long without delivering, I couldn’t help but feel distressed. Waiting outside, my heart was on fire. Every time I heard the sound of a hospital cart rolling by or saw a doctor stepping out, my heart pounded. I was just hoping to hear the words ‘Both mother and baby are safe’ so I could finally breathe a sigh of relief," Mr. Dung said.

After waiting until past 8 a.m., the delivery room door finally swung open. A midwife stepped out, cradling a tiny newborn in her arms, and announced, “A baby boy, child of Nguyen Thi Phuong and Hoang Van Dung, weighing 3.2 kilograms, healthy and strong.” At that moment, Dung could hardly believe his ears. He rushed forward, eyes welling with tears as he laid eyes on his son for the first time. “I always thought of myself as someone who doesn’t show much emotion, but at that moment, I just couldn’t hold it in. All I could do was stand there, staring at my son, then turn to the doctors, thanking them over and over,” he recalled, his voice filled with emotion.

3. At Da Nang Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital, dozens of expectant mothers arrive each day to give birth. Some deliveries go smoothly, with newborns crying their first cries just a few hours after admission. Others, however, involve prolonged labor, leaving families anxiously waiting through tense moments of uncertainty.

Meanwhile, regardless of the time of day or night, the team of doctors and medical staff remain on high alert, knowing that every birth is a unique journey—no two experiences are ever the same. Dr. Huynh Minh Nhat (Specialist Doctor level 1) shared that each expectant mother arrives with a different emotional state. Some are excited, others are anxious, and some are even fearful. In such moments, the role of doctors and midwives extends beyond medical care—they also serve as a source of emotional support, helping mothers find the strength and confidence to endure the pain and welcome their babies into the world.

For a safe delivery, Dr. Nhat advises that during pregnancy, every expectant mother should have at least four prenatal check-ups. The first should be scheduled as soon as pregnancy is detected, with the subsequent visits spaced 2–3 months apart. Regular check-ups help doctors detect abnormalities that occur during pregnancy, contributing to limiting obstetric complications, and at the same time instructing pregnant women on issues. Additionally, these visits also provide instructions to pregnant women on issues related to pregnancy.

Every birth story is a unique slice of life, filled with emotions ranging from anxiety and anticipation to pain, overwhelming relief, and ultimate joy. Speaking on this, Dr. Tran Dinh Vinh, Director of the Da Nang Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital, explains that while childbirth is a natural and normal process, most mothers experience intense pain during labor. Therefore, medical support is crucial in managing pain during delivery. At the hospital, doctors utilize various pain relief techniques, including localized anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, and epidural anesthesia, to help mothers go through labor more comfortably.

"We always strive to create the safest and most supportive environment for expectant mothers," Dr. Vinh shares. "Beyond medical care, our doctors and midwives provide constant encouragement and guidance to help mothers ease their anxiety and minimize risks during childbirth. In this miraculous journey, we have witnessed labor lasting over 20 hours, when mothers were so exhausted that they felt they couldn't go on. Yet, from somewhere deep within, they find the strength to welcome their child into the world."

Indeed, every mother's childbirth experience is unique—no two stories are the same. But no matter how arduous or painful the journey, the moment they embrace their newborn remains one of the most sacred and unforgettable milestones in their lives.

Reporting by TIEU YEN – Translating by HONG VAN
