
Documentaries on wars in Viet Nam screened in France

Published: February 28, 2017

Two documentary films featuring the wars in Viet Nam were screened recently in Choisy-le-Roi city in the southeastern suburb of Paris.

The movie 'Only the watchman knows that the night is long' by director Daniel Roussel and film maker Yann de Sousa describes a fierce battle of wits at the negotiating table and favourable factors that pushed the US to sign the Paris Agreement, putting an end to the war and restoring peace in Viet Nam.

Meanwhile, the documentary 'Viet Nam war: in the centre of secret negotiations', also by director Daniel Roussel, unveils secret negotiations between Vietnamese special advisor Le Duc Tho and US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

The two movies show that Viet Nam is an exemplary model proving that any conflicts could be settled through political and peaceful solutions.

The audience at the film screening on February 23 also had a chance to talk with director Daniel Roussel and the filming crew.

(Source: VNA)
