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Enjoy Binh Dinh-styled must-try 'banh cuon' in the city

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
November 10, 2019, 14:32 [GMT+7]

If you ever have travelled to the central province of Binh Dinh, surely, you will be quite surprised by the attraction of ‘banh cuon’ (steamed rolled rice pancakes), one of the culinary delicacies here. If you are addicted to this dish, the Binh Dinh BaCu eatery located at 624 Trung Nu Vuong, Hai Chau District, is an ideal choice.

Irresistibly delicious ‘banh cuon’ offered by Binh Dinh BaCu
Irresistibly delicious ‘banh cuon’ offered by Binh Dinh BaCu

Tu Trong Tien, a 23-year-old native of Binh Dinh, the co-founder of Binh Dinh BaCu eatery said, “My friends often highly praise Binh Dinh-made ‘banh cuon’ for its unique taste, but very few venues in Da Nang sell this legacy. This reality inspired me and my compatriots to embark upon developing our startup idea with this dish to fruition”.

‘Banh cuon’ is a top choice on the menu of this eatery, receiving high applause from customers. This dish shows off its softness, sweet fragance and a harmonious mixture of grilled meat, boiled eggs, ‘cha lua’ (sliced pork bologna), fried tofu, deep-fried pork rolls and raw vegetables, all of which are wrapped in a piece of Binh Dinh rice papers featuring moderate toughness.

Of special note, the taste of the dish heavily relies on dipping sauce which features a wonderful combination of grinded roasted peanuts, minimal spicy chili peppers, garlics, sesames, pineapple, sugar, a little of boiling water, condensed fish sauce. The amazing mixture of the various flavours really gives a pleasant texture and a smooth aftertaste!

In addition to ‘ banh cuon’, the eatery also serves a number of other Binh Dinh specialties, including steamed rolls made of rice-flour served with grilled pork, Bau Da wine, and sliced pork bologna.

Binh Dinh BaCu opens daily from 6:00am to 10:00pm. If you want to roll ‘banh cuon’ by yourself, you can order a large and small-sized portion with a full range of ingredients priced at 45,000 VND and 65,000 VND respectively.

In the near future, Tien plans to open other similar eateries across the city as a good way to introduce his hometown cuisine to others, gradually building up a brand for his business.
