
Survey reveals top climate impacts in Southeast Asia

By VNA / DA NANG Today
December 18, 2020, 08:52 [GMT+7]

Floods, loss of biodiversity and sea level rise are the top climate impacts in the Southeast Asian region, a new climate survey on Southeast Asians’ attitudes and perceptions conducted by the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute revealed on 17 December.

Floods, loss of biodiversity and sea level rise are the top climate impacts in the Southeast Asian region, a new climate
Floods, loss of biodiversity and sea level rise are the top climate impacts in the Southeast Asian region, a new climate

The survey shows that floods are a great concern of almost all countries in the region, except Cambodia and Singapore, while Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam are worrying about the loss of biodiversity more than other countries.

Meanwhile, about 20 percent of questioned people in Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos, which do not border the sea, showed concerns about the sea level rise. A higher proportion of respondents in such coastal countries as Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam said this matter is serious.

Southeast Asian citizens also voiced concerns over drought, heat waves, and landslides triggered by long-lasting heavy downpours.

Only 31.3 percent of the respondents agreed that ASEAN has effectively responded to climate change.

Commenting on the results, Choi Shing Kwok, Director of the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute said: “This survey brings to light regional perceptions about climate change that policy makers need to know and act upon. The results show that while intellectual debates may still be raging elsewhere, Southeast Asians do recognise the human cause of the problem and link real local threats to the ongoing climate phenomena. Survey respondents also held a balanced and pragmatic approach to the problem that holds all stakeholders, including themselves as individuals, responsible for tackling the problem. This provides a sound basis for stronger and swifter climate action that is needed in the region.”

The ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute conducted its first Southeast Asia Climate Outlook Survey from 3 August to 18 September. Designed to provide insights on climate change perspectives among Southeast Asian citizens, the online survey covered topics such as climate change impacts, mitigation, adaptation, the transition to low-carbon economies and partnership on climate action. It drew a total of 502 respondents from all ten ASEAN member states, and its findings serve as a barometer of general views and attitudes of Southeast Asian citizens towards climate change issues.

Source: VNA
